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"Yeen really fuck with me way back then but how bout now! Cause I'm up right now! And you suck right now!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I ran in the house from school. Only to run slam into Daddy.
"What are you singing?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Who didn't fuck with you back then?"
"Drake." I chewed on my bottom lip and looked down at my heels. "What are you doing here so early?" He smirked and turned around to pour himself a glass of wine. "I have some things planned for us today but first we have to handle some important business, little one." I threw my book-bag by the staircase and walked back over to him.
"Can I have some?"
"Not even a little-"
"No, Honey."
"But Daddy!" I whined and crossed my arms. "You're supposed to give me anything I want. I want that." I pointed to his glass of wine. He took another sip. "You're being a brat. I won't allow you to have any."
"I'm not a fucking child!"
"What did I tell you about your language. That's twice that you've said a curse word today."
"Oh bite me." I tried to storm off upstairs but he grabbed my arm, turned me around, and pinned me against the wall. "Let me go you asshole."
His grip tightened on one wrist as he released the other to get something from off of one of the wine cabinets. "Hold still. You want to be treated like you act? Fine by me. You were doing so good too." He pulled out a pink leash and attached it to my collar. "There. Come along." He yanked on it and dragged me along with him to his home office.
"Sit." He pointed to one of the chairs near the window.
"No?" I nodded my head but he yanked my collar and forced me anyways. "You'll learn to listen to me someday. Now, business time. I've made a contract for you to look at and sign. I'm not pressuring you to do so now but you will have to before tonight. I'm going out with the lads so I won't be back until later. Please refrain from getting into more trouble. I'll have Olivia check on you every once in awhile." He kissed me on the lips, slow and lingering. I wanted more but he was already out the door before I could say anything.
The Contract between Harry Styles and Honey Daniels:
Honey, this is our confidential contract and some house rules that I have set forth for you to obey from now on. If you do not obey them, you will be punished. Punishments will be listed last. Mark an X by any rule or punishment you aren't comfortable with and we will discuss at a later date.

Daddy's Rules:
No. 1- No use of profanity [X]
Big X.
No. 2 - Always address me as Daddy, Master, or Sir. []
No. 3 - You may have your other Submissive friends over one weekend per month. Other friends from school are prohibited due to the fact that they aren't familiar with our lifestyle. []
No. 4 - Always ask me first before you cum. []
No. 5 - When being punished, I want you in Daddy's room on your knees with your ass in the air waiting for him to get home to punish you. []
No. 6 - Use your manners around me and in public. []
No. 7 - Always wear your collar unless stated not to by Daddy. []
No. 8 - You will always dress in clothes that I pick out for you. [X]
The fuck? I can pick my own clothes. Thanks but no thanks.
No. 9 - No touching yourself unless Daddy asks you to. []
No. 10 - You will wear underwear only in public. []
Fine by me.
No. 11 - Ask me before leaving out of my sight [X]
What if I have to shit really bad?
No. 12 - You may have your phone only when you ask me for it. []
No. 13 - You will say 'Thank you Daddy' every time I spank and/or punish you. []
No. 14 - You may keep your tattoos visible in public only if you get my name tattooed under your breast. []
No. 15 - You eat three, healthy meals a day with only one snack in between lunch and dinner. []
No. 16 - You will let Daddy always feed and bathe you. I like to take care of my Baby Girl. []
No. 17 - As soon as you sign the contract, you sleep in Daddy's room naked at all times. []
No. 18 - Don't be embarrassed to tell Daddy if you're wet or if you want him. I'm here to please you at any time, anywhere. []
No. 19 - Order a salad before every meal so that your food will digest properly when we go out to dinner. Even with Daddy's friends. []
No. 20 - Sit in Daddy's lap when we're around other Dom and Subs. []
No. 21 - Never disobey Daddy. He won't tell you anything to harm you. []
No. 22 - Your body is mine to touch, no one else's. []
No. 23 - When you're on your monthly, you will give Daddy a blow job each day until you're off again. []
No. 24 - Always swallow every drop of Daddy's cum. []
No. 25 - You will be pregnant as often as I want you to be. [X]
Oh no you don't. Not right now.
No. 26 - You will do yoga and a ten minute run every morning when you wake up. []
No. 27 - Daddy will place a vibrator inside of you each day while he's getting ready for work if you're good. []
No. 28 - Never be afraid of Daddy or to tell him anything. He won't hurt you. []
No. 29 - You're mine. []
No. 30 - You're beautiful. Never be ashamed to go out with Daddy or be ashamed in general because you're breath taking. You can have whatever you want. []

If you do no abide by Daddy's rules that he has set forth for you, this is what you will have to endure.
Phase 1: One spanking while you count to 20.
Phase 2: You will not cum for two days, no tv or phone for three.
Phase 3: Nipple clamps and tied up to the bed with a vibrator in your vagina and a dildo in your ass. You will not cum.
Phase 4: Daddy fucking you raw for hours. You won't be able to walk for weeks.
Phase 5: No food for a day, sent to the basement for that day with no visitation.
Please X the box below if you are okay with these punishments [X]
Finally, you will need a safe word for when the punishment gets too severe. This will let Daddy know that he needs to stop.
Safe word- Pineapples.
Sign on the dotted lines if you have read and agreed to Daddy's contract.

X...Honey King....

That last rule though 😫 but now that the contract is written....ok there's no other nice way for me to put this.
There will be more sex.
Point blank period.
Once again, I am innocent. I promise you. Oh btw are the rules okay?? I wasn't really familiar on how strict they should be but yeah. Enjoy!

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