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Two weeks later
"And that's your baby." The doctor said with a smile. "Of course it's only a few weeks old so we still have some options available for you if necessary." Daddy nodded and rubbed my belly.

"Thank you, doctor. I really appreciate you seeing us today. We both know how busy you are." He said and stood up to shake Dr. Franklin's hand.

He shook Daddy's hand in his before leaving out of the room. "He was nice." I said with a smile.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with his eyebrow raised.

"That I think he's nice? You're seriously overreacting. It wasn't anything to it. I just think he's a nice person, that's all. Nothing more and nothing less."

"Sorry...I didn't mean to go off on you like that. I'm just stressed from work and dealing with all of this." He embraced me in a warm hug.

"It's alright."

"Are you hungry? We can stop by a food place here or something. I don't necessarily like you eating fast food but hey, it's fast." I nodded my head and grabbed my belongings.

"Let's just go. No need to pretend to be happy about this when all you're going to do is make me get rid of it so your parents won't disown you or something for dating a black girl. Sorry but it had to be said."

I walked out the door, leaving him behind me. Minutes later he caught up to me and stopped me in my tracks. "Honey, listen-"

"Save it. I already know what you're going to-"

"No you don't, fuck, just listen! For once!"

I shut my mouth quick.

"Good, now please just listen to what I have to say for once. Please? That's all I ask." He pulled me over to the side of the hospital building because everyone was starting to stare from his sudden outburst.

"I love you, okay? I love you and I love this baby...whatever it is. My parents have no say so whatsoever in or on what I do for you. This is my life and as long as you're under my roof, no one will judge you or make you feel a certain way because of how you look. You're gorgeous by the way but-"

"Harry, you're blabbering."

He raised his brow but grinned. "Harry"

I sighed and looked down at my shoes. "I mean you're going to have the little one calling you daddy so I just assumed..."

"You assumed that now you get to call me by my first name?"

I didn't say anything. 

"Is that correct, love?" He grabbed my hand gently and led me outside to the car. "I asked you a question."

I had almost forgotten that I hadn't answered him.
"Sorry, sir. You are correct."

He opened the car door for me. "Well, I suppose you have a point."

I got in and he shut the door. Seconds later, he returned to the driver's seat and started up his black Range Rover.

"I tell you what, you don't have to call me Daddy when the baby comes but-"

I couldn't contain my excitement. I let out a happy squeal and he shushed me with his finger.

"But, you do have to continue to go by my rules and regulations. Which means you have to call me either Sir or Master."

I rolled my eyes and buckled my seat belt. I knew it was too good to be true.

"I'll just stick to calling you Daddy."

"Good girl. I'm sure our son or daughter will find another name to call me."

What? I thought to myself. Is he or she going to call you poppa? Pops? Father?

"Something you want to tell me?" He looked over at me with a smirk on his face.

"Nope. Just thinking, babe."


"What you don't like baby either?"

"Let me think about that," He looked in front of him as if he was considering what I was saying. "Nope. You're the baby. I'm the Daddy."

Daddy pulled off into traffic and grabbed my hand to bring to his lips.

"Well fine then. Be that way."

He laughed at me being upset and started to suck on my fingers.

"Daddy, stop. You're driving. We could get in an accident."

He continued to suck on my fingers, his mouth doing wonders. I almost wished that they were somewhere else on my body that needed attention.

"Don't make me do it."

"Do what?"

He pulled the car over on the side of the road and unbuckled my seat belt. Then, he reached over, grabbed me by my waist, and threw me on top of him.


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