12. Rescue

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ANGER. That's the only thing i feel right now. First that Motherfucker and now Ms. Ahuja is not letting me come with her. It's my case, I have right to know.

"Mr. Malhotra take care of it. I don't want any kind of involvement from you people."she said and left from there without hearing.

"Rey trust her, i know her very well, if she is telling something than there is a reason for it." Ary explain to me.
"No Ary, it's my case, here my sister is involved, I can't trust anyone right now, I am going with her that's final." I declared and move towards basement.
I stop her. And she let me after request and assurance that I will not intefere.

We move towards Aashika's college. I asked her and she explain me the reason.

We are going inside college as already college time is over, so not many people are here.
We are moving and suddenly I saw a staff member. And grabbed ger wrist and pull her towards pillar. We are so close and this close proximity is doing nothing but doing something to my heart. It's flickers something there. After that night, we are close right now. And this feeling to hold her so close is something else I never felt.

"What are you doing Mr. oberoi?" She asked.
"There is a staff member, they can see us so. That's why we are hiding" I said.
She rolled my eyes and answer me "Do you really think we came here to stole the hard drive by hiding with them" she answered back.
"Means?" I aksed confusingly.
"Mr. Oberoi I have my fake cyber crime ID card. We will show them it and they will let us. They don't have the time to find out if we are for real or fake, So just shut your mouth and come with me" she warned me and we move inside.

Damn this girls has guts to warn- The Riyan Oberoi. but i must say, She is smart.

We move inside and got the hard disk and saw the man. She asked me whether am recognisable to him ot not. But I saw him somewhere but not getting it.

She told me that hacking all cameras is not gonna working. So we decided to check every signal footages. And got that he taken her towards some empty village. We have to search her there. I called my 3 friends and send them location. We headed towards there.

Soon we reached there. And meet 3 of them they are already there.
"She is here?" Adi asked.
"Yes, we have to find everywhere" I told them.
My bodyguards are also there as I informed them earlier.
We 3 with the bodyguards go on different sides.
"Ms. Ahuja come with me" Ary said her before me. "Okay" she said. And move towards there.

We find nearly everywhere. Soon Ary called her that here one house is small and it's lock is also open. And some noices are coming.

We all move there. And we got inside.
"HELP" voice came towards us from one of the room.
And it's Aashika's voice. I run towards there and saw her there with hands and legs tied. I go there and free her there. And hugged her tightly.
"Bhai.." she was crying continuously. Her breathing became heavy.
"Shh..baccha calm down. I am here now" i was comsoling her but I am boiling from inside.
But i found something strange. Because no one is here. No men is here. Well i will find out later.

We move outside. "Aashikaaa.." aadish shouted and came running, hugging her. I called him and told him to reach here directly.

First, I want her to reach safely at home. Then I will look after this.
I told Aadish to take her with her.
"But Bhai, how will you come?" He asked
"I will come with Ms. Ahuja" i said.
"No, Mr. Oberoi, she needs you, go with her I will go" she politely declined.
"But you are alone, and it's late night" i said.
"Oh don't worry Mr. Oberoi, I will manage. And also Mr. Malhotra is with me." She said to me and turn towards Aashika.

She came towards her and hugged her.
"Take care Aashika, take rest at home okay" she said.

And soon we left.

𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗪𝗵𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀 (18+)    Where stories live. Discover now