44. Big Day

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Today is a very big day

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Today is a very big day. Because tomorrow i am going to reveal everything. The NAME of the main person. Yes, finally i am here. Now I don't want to delay. I just want to finish everything and want to live with Riyan forever. I want him to tell everything. I am ready now. Tomorrow i am going to make everything right at it's place.

I am going to company today.

I reached, and everyone wished me and i nod and reached my floor

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I reached, and everyone wished me and i nod and reached my floor.
I called Mr.. Pandey and asked, "Is presentation is ready?" I asked. And he nodded. Today i have a meeting with one of the company. I want to invest in there project, so they choose me and another company. If presentation go fine that's the deal is our's.

"Get the car ready, i am leaving there" and he nodded. I left my cabin in 5 minutes and get inside. And headed towards the company where i am having a deal. I reached there and I started my presentation.

I completed it saying "thank you gentlemen" and sit at my chair. The board member and the CEO discuss and stood up and say "We will do this deal with A&A Co. Congratulations Ms. Ahuja you got the deal." He said and I handshaked with him. Then we discuss for some time and sign the deal and I left for my place. I call Liam in between "Liam at my penthouse within 15 minutes, I am reaching there".

I reached my penthouse. And Liam came within 5 minutes. We settle in my study and continued "Liam it's a time".
"Ma'am this early, are you sure?" And i nodded. "Yes Liam, it's high time now. It's the time to reveal the NAME and it's time for HER to come out of the shell" and he nodded in understandingly.
"But we don't have evidences." He said.
"But we have witness Liam" i replied.
"What if he double cross and tell that it's all lie." He asked.
"It's risky Liam but we have to do it." I said.

Yes it's risky. I don't have evidences, just a two witness. But hope so that all went well. Otherwise i am in a mess. I was in my thought when he snapped me to reality, "Ma'am one more information, Carlos is back. He come to know and surely he will find us." And i jerkly stood up.
"Yes ma'am we are, and now we can't do anything, because he already got to know". He added.
"No,No this can't be happen Liam, we have to stop it. " I said panickingly.
"Now what ma'am?" He asked.
"Liam did you find whose vehicle was that?" I asked.
"No ma'am, the driver flew away, the vehicle has no number, it's hard to find" he said.
"Shit, we have to find it Liam, otherwise Carlos will create a big mess, we have to protect that mafia gang also, whom vehicle were that otherwise they are in danger Liam, we have to protect them, we have to tell them, they are unaware". I said.
"I am trying ma'am" he nodded.
"Liam do it fast" and he nodded.
"And be prepare for tomorrow" and he again nodded.
"What's the status of Mr. Ajay Ahuja?" I asked.
"We do everything you told, his company probably come down. We tourtured him as you say. We beat him with belts. Hurt him with knife. And made him sign the contract that he will never hurt or touch any girl and he will give a nice life to his wife and child. And will never come back in your life" he said.

Yes, i toutured him and going to leave him. Because he have a family. They are innocent. I can't kill him, otherwise there family will suffer. So i made him those signed.
I nodded and said "Leave him after tomorrow and telecast a news that they were safe from that accident and they didn't died. That's all was rumour. And make him to give his statement live that they were going out of town and met with small accident but got safe. The nearer villagers took them to hospital" and he nodded. And left.

And i called Riyan, he picks in 2-3 rings..
"Hey babygirl, thinking about me hmm" he asked. God this flirty man.
"Stop Riyan, it's serious" i said and he asked with seriousness "What is it Anya?"
"Riyan do you trust me?" I asked.
"Ofcourse Anya, what is even this question" he said.
"Then come tomorrow at my penthouse for lunch" i said.
"Okay babygirl, but what's the matter?" He asked.
"Just come Rey, you will get to know there" and said and end the call.

Tomorrow everything is going to be fine. Tomorrow Riyan will got his family love back. I make everything right tomorrow.

I called Aashika and asked "Um.. Aashika, i was thinking to have a lunch at my home. Radhya and Trisha are also coming with there family. You know type of fanily time. So will you come with all your family members tomorrow at lunch at my place?".
"Ofcourse I will" she said and we chit chat some little time and cut the call.

I lied, I only invited his family. Radhya and Trisha didn't even knew about it. I can't tell aashika my true purposes that's why i lied.

I call Bhai and Bhabhi also, i called bhai and he picked, "Hy Aru"
"Hi Bhai, come with bhabhi tomorrow for a lunch." I said.
"Why suddenly?" He asked.
"Oh Bhai, wanna enjoy some free real life drama" i said and he surely gonna understand.
"What's it?" He asked.
"You know Bhai, the main person is gonna revealed tomorrow" i said.
"You sure about it?" He asked.
He didn't know the name yet. He will come to know tomorrow only.
"I am Damn sure" i said.
"And yes Bhai please invite Aditya and Shreyash also I need them there" i added.
"Why they?" He asked.
"Bhai just do naa" i whinned. And we end out talk.

Finally my Revenge will gonna end tomorrow.

Other Person's POV:

"Carlos find her name" the person in late 50's said.
"Then what's the plan?" Another asked.
"We just have to see. The storm has arrived in there life now." And other one smirked.

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