10. Mr. Oberoi

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Today is a very hectic day

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Today is a very hectic day. Only some days are left for My Motive, to execute my plan.
I am so stressed out first it's tension and then my going on projects and deals. I was having a very hectic Schedules nowadays.

I was working on some files. When my Phone rang..BHAI.
"Hello Bhai" i answered.
"Ms. Ahuja, I am sending you location, just come here immediately. It's urgent" i heard him. God I think something is very serious.
And he calls me formally it's means he is with other prople.

I hurriedly got out of company and driving at high speed. The location is at 35 minutes distance form my company. But i covered it within 20 minutes.

I went inside and soon I saw Bhai standing there. He gestured me towards some people. And i got it That I have to call him formally, as i am hiding my identity.

And I was hell shocked to see Mr. Oberoi here.
And i guess he was also shocked. Ofcourse.
I drop all this thinking right now and asked Bhai "What's the matter Mr. Malhotra?". I asked formally.
"We want your help" he said and gesture towards Mr. Oberoi.
I was confused when Mr. Oberoi said "My sister is been kidnapped and Ary said you are best hacker. So we want your help to find her, to track her." He answered.

Okay i got now. It's very serious. Yes, I am the hacker, I am very well interested in it so beside my buisness study, Iearned about hacking also. And am best in it.

But then suddenly something strike me, "your sister means Aashika Oberoi?" I question.
"Yes" he answered.
Oh god, Aashika is kidnapped. I have to do something fast. Am not close with her but still I know her. She is so sweet and genuine.

"Give me each amd every details". I asked. And he told me everything about her behaviour, stalker, box thing.

"Is she having someone in her life? As an who is not trustworthy being a friend or closed one or boyfriend?" I asked.
"No she isn't having, and first found her. We are not here for Question Answer Session." He frustrated replied.
"See, Mr. Oberoi I know you are tensed but it's all helps us to found her. So please co operate" i said. "Is she is having rivalry with anyone or someone she is not on good terms" i asked. "NO" he raised is voice. Okay don't get rude Aranya, he is tensed. BREATH!.
"You have doubt on anyone" I asked. "NO" he again scream. Oh god, this man has zero patience tolerance. Jerk!.

"Okay then we have to check all the routes from her college and might possible that her phone is been traceable." I said him. And call my PA "Mr. Pandey, send the hacker team urgently right now, am sending location". I said and hung the call.

"Give me her number, I have to track her sim card". I said.
"Not possible her number is not reachable, Shrey just track everything within 3 hours but not found." He answered.
"Okay but letme try, might possible that number will get the network" i replied.
And he says the number and am tracking it.

Yes, he is right number is not traceable. So I checked the last update of the card, when it is reacheable, and I track that location and minutes. And I was shocked. Something is wrong, very wrong.

"Yes, it's not traceable." I lied. I can't tell the truth right now.
Soon my team came, and we hacked every camera of her college, But half an hour of footage is missing. I can recover the deleted footage also. But for this I need Hard drive. I think I have to got in there to take hard drive.

"I am coming in 45 minutes and yes till then no one moves from here". I ordered sternly.
"Where are you going right now? Here she is kidnapped, 1 second is important and you are going, DAMN IT. Are you serious or not.?" Mr. Oberoi shouted. And that's it. I am out of my patience.

"See Mr. Oberoi when you are talking to me keep your voice down. And yes, I am serious and I am going for your sister only. I got some clues. I am getting there only and now sit here and let me do my job." I answered.

"I will also come with you" he said.
"No Mr. Oberoi you are not allowed, something have to be confidential" i sternly replied.
"She is my sister, It my case then what's with hiding with me" he said.
"Mr. Oberoi you are right, but I am doing my job, you have to trust me" i answered.
"You know what get out, I will find her on my own" he scream.
"FINE then Mr. Oberoi am leaving" i stated
"Are you out of your mind Rey, She is the only one who get her back just Shut up and do as she says." Ary interfered.
"How can I Trust her, she is not telling anything Ary" he answered back.
"Mr. Oberoi I know it's difficult for you to trust me. But please do as i say. Trust me and if something happen because me then you can sue me. But please Let me do my Job and don't interfere."
"Mr. Malhotra take care of it. I don't want any kind of involvement from you people." I said to Bhai. And left the place without hearing anything.

If I say something to DO then they have to DO.

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