39. Confess

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I took the pills from medical and gulp it

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I took the pills from medical and gulp it.
Protection first. I told him to come because I want something to talk to him and Bhai. I hide my hickeys and drove to Bhai's place.

We reach there and we both enetered, ringing the doorbell. Bhabhi come to open, and engulfed me in a tight hug, "Are you fine Angel" she asked. "I am absolutely fine Bhabhi" I hugged her back. We seperate and enetered inside. Bhai saw us and he got confuse, i know what's coming, I am here for this only to talk with him.
"You both here together?" He asked suspiciously. It's midnight all this happen at night and it quite 5 am in the morning.
"Umm..Anya told me toh come here" Rey said nervously.

Before bhai could ask anything. I interrupted and said, "Bhai I am here to talk about this only. Let's first sit" i said. And we all sit on the couch and I started, "um..Bhai and Bhabhi..we.. I mean..I and Rey..You know, we are dating" i said nervously. I never got nervous but my all emotions showed up when it's Bhai, Bhabhi and Him.

Bhabhi come towards me and hugged me and said, "Aww.. My Angel is finally in relation, I am so happyy for you Angel" and I smiled at her. And I eyed towards Bhai. We all are waiting for him to say something.
"I trust Rey with you, I already told him." And he eyed Rey and warned "But if you ever hurt her Rey, I will kill you and forgets that you are my friend more like brothers. I am warning you, She is My Angel, My Aru, You better treat her right" he warned and Rey surrendered and said "I love her Ary, I will never hurt her. She Is My Anya" he said. And i smiled. First time my eyes are showing emotions. Love. Adoration. Respect. I know he can read it. He always reads my eyes when it's devoid of emotions, still he sees it.

I turn towards him and said, "Rey, i want to tell you something" and he nodded to continued.
"Um..When we first met at that night, it feels different with you for the first time, i never felt with anyone. It's different, it's something new. When you said that day that you like me, i want to confess back that i too like you but I was scared, i was scared that may be you will not accept me when you know about me everything. But time passed on and when I reveal that i am the Ceo and Mafia you didn't even question me, you always trusted me, you never asked any question and still you didn't leave infact you kept coming closer, You always read the emotions through my void eyes, And by that I make myself sure that yes, you are the one. Today when he pointed guns towards you, I was prepared for everything, but still my heart started beating fastly, I started panicking, and you said that you love me, i wanted to confess back but that wasn't the time, I thought to confess it with something special, but what made this confession special, a date, a dinner, NO. It's special when I confess you in front of my family, So I am saying in the presence of my family witnessing MY LOVE." And i was going to bend on my knees but he held me and made me sit beside him and said caressing my cheeks "NO, THE ARANYA AHUJA NEVER BOWS" and I smiled. I was watching him with so much adoration.
"But she bows when it's comes to her Bhai, Bhabhi and my Rey." I smiled and continue by taking his face in my palm and said,
"In the presence of my family, My Bhai and Bhabhi, I am saying Mr. Riyan Oberoi, I Love You from the bottom of my heart. I love You with my everything. I love You Rey. You are Mine Only, Only Mine, Rey is of Her Anya Only." I said. And kissed his both cheeks.
And he said "I Am All Yours Anya and You are Mine. Anya is of His Rey only. She is exclusively For Her Rey" he said ane kissed me on my forehead and i hugged him so tight and he also reciprocate giving me head kisses.
Bhai came and said "That's enough Of you closeness Now." And i rolled my eyes. Overprotective Brother.

Bhabhi jump in between and said "You both go and freshen up, It's nearly morning so Rey have you breakfast here only." And he nodded.
And we were going upstairs when Bhai say no basically warned "Rey, you freshen up In guest room. I am sending my clothes. And don't go near her Room." He warned.
"We're dating Ary" he said rolling hos eyes.
"Yes, but maintain distance with my sister" Bhai warned.
"As if you were maintaining while dating Shrishti" and Bhai glared at him and I and Bhabhi giggled. He surrendered and we move upstairs.
I freshen up. Took a relaxing warm shower. And wear comfortable clothes. And put dried my hair and make them in bun by using clutcher. And move downstairs.

He was there only wearing Bhai's tshirt and trouser

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He was there only wearing Bhai's tshirt and trouser.

We are watching each other when Bhai said, "Don't stare like a creep to my sister" he said and we both rolled my eyes

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We are watching each other when Bhai said, "Don't stare like a creep to my sister" he said and we both rolled my eyes.
"Bhabhi jaldi khana do, bohott bhukh lagi hain" i shouted.
"5 mins, Angel" she said.
And after some minutes she came with breakfast. Sandwiches, juices, fruits, coffee, paneer parathas and boiled sprouts..
I started digging, my strong coffee and sandwiches and paneer parathas, obviously who eats this boiled things eww. But ofcourse my both men. Gym Freaks Jerks!
"Aaram se Kha Aru" bhai eyes me.
"I am so Hungry Bhai" i whinnes.
"Still eat slowly" and we continued.
Bhai started news channel while eating breakfast. Suddenly one news grab our attention.

'Mr. Ajay Ahuja met with an accident with his family, reports to say it's on the spot death'
And all eyes turn towards me.
I surrendered and said "i didn't do anything. I leave him at night only when he assured that he will never harm and sign the paper."
"I know you are lying Aru, You never leave or kill him, I know you will torture him for the deeds he does to you" Bhabhi said.
"And I know you will never kill any innocent, his fanily was innocent in this". Bhai said.
"Guys Relax, okay fine. Yes, I do this because he is the one behind the incident taken 6 years ago. He is the main person behind it so that's why" i shrugged.
"Her family is innocent Aru" bhabhi said.
"She is lying guys, have a breakfast" Rey said.
"Aru, he is not the real one behind this right?" Bhai asked. Why this people knows me very well?. I didn't even show my expressions still. How do they come to know.

"We come to know because we know you very well Anya. Even you didn't show it, but we know you very well" Rey said.
Did i said it loud?
"No, you didn't say it loud, But I very well know what is going on in this pretty brain of yours" he said. And i huffed "Fine, It's fake. Yes, they are alive and yes bhai, he is not the one. I have done this and blame him for that to gain the overconfidence of the main person. I know he will come to know that I blame Mr. Ajay for this and that person will relaxed. Yes, Mr. Ahuja didn't did it, he wants money only he haven't have guts to kill and do all plannings. But I will not leave him for the deeds he does to me. And Nishtha, I will torture him for sure." I said.

"What does he do?" Rey asked.
For the first time he asked me something. He is trying to take me out of the shell and I am trying to opening up to him.
I smiled and reply "First let's have a breakfast and will talk" i said and he nodded.

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