37. Hazel Brown

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I stood up in front of  Roy and asked, "What do you think Roy, You will send me a threats with my and Rey's pictures, and gift box, and i will not find it out that it's you and you hacked my devices also

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I stood up in front of Roy and asked, "What do you think Roy, You will send me a threats with my and Rey's pictures, and gift box, and i will not find it out that it's you and you hacked my devices also." I raised my left eyebrow at question him.
"On doing any planning first get the every Information of the person against you, what if you're messing with wrong person huh?" I smriked.

Yes, at that day Mr. Pandey handed me the box it's a picture of Me and Rey being intimate and a note with threat 'cancle the deal with Mr. Oberoi, he is on our target and picture will rumoured on every social media and Malhotra's also in danger' and also the gift box Liam handed me It's a threat of the hitman aiming at Bhai's building. And i came to know that I am hacked. My everydevices are hacked. They are eyeing me. Ofcourse I am a hacker If I got new virus in My devices, I came to know. But settling all this took me 6 days and today this fools attacked them.

I continued and asked "I have weakness of Mr. Ajay Ahuja but Roy you don't have any weakness. You don't have family. Your parents are died, you don't love anyone. What is you weakness might be" i asked acting thinking.
"Oh wait, what about YOUR SISTER, which you make fake died. But she is Alive. How about that the house she is living will blast huh?" I smirked and he was scared. Woah, I like the expression of a person being scared with me.
"H..How do you k-know?" He asked.
"I said already Roy, first find the all information about the person you are messing with" i evilly smiled.

I took my sit and continued, "How about your both every properties blast, legal and illegal both" i asked.
"WHAT?" Both asked in unison being shocked.
"Volume Down" i said. And gestured Liam to make them watch. And he make them watch, all the bombs attached at there properties. His sister on the point of hitman and Mr. Ajay's wife and child being kidnapped and my bodyguards around them.

"So, how's the Movie?" I asked.
"Please don't do this, we will settle" Mr. Ajay said.
"Oh my dear Brother, first call that hitman to untarget Bhabhi, and also tell you mens to free Malhotra's and Oberoi's family. If anything happens to MY FAMILY, i will show you the HELL living on the Earth" i warned.
And they did it. Within 15 minutes they freed them and I check all the things. What if they double crossed.
"Now they are free, first beg to me, come here and bow down to me and say 'please ma'am leave us'. " I ordered and they were shocked.
They were shocked. But they have to do. All there properties and people are under me.
They came and bow down to me and said.
I kicked, Mr. Ajay Ahuja, the thing he does with me are tourture. But i will not dirty my hand touching or doing the same with him.
I had a ability to destroy the person without touching, to tourture without even touching.
"Now, speak the truth Mr. Ajay Ahuja of doing this all, I know it's not only about taking revenge of the news we leaked. You just manipulate Roy, so he can help you in Revenge, but the real thing is other. START SPEAKING" i ordered sternly.

"Yes you are right, I want your all property, because your dad and My idiot father never gave me my shares. They abandon me when i am finally able to take over Ahuja's Co. And they were giving it to you but then 6 years back everything destroyed. My so called father and mother aka you chachu chachi, remove me from house because they came to know about my illegal works. And also i want the revenge From this Oberoi, to kill my sister"
He said. Wait, kill sister? NISHTHA AHUJA?
"What i didn't kill anyone and who is your sister?" Riyan asked.
"NISHTHA AHUJA you fiancee" he said.
What? I know his fiancee died, i heard the news 1 year ago but didn't knew it's my sister. Nishtha.
"You and Nishtha are adopted child of Chachu and Chachi Mr. Ajay, they loved you a lot like there own children. But you, you betrayed them for the sake of money. You destroy my relation with my only sister. Nishtha and I are more like Soulmates. But because to you everything destroyed. And i know you didn't even love Nishtha, then why taking revenge of her death to Mr. Oberoi? Because it's never matter to you if she dead. Then WHY? Only truth Mr. Ajay" i warned.

I look towards Liam and he is in anger, in pain.
"I didn't Kill Her, it's an ACCIDENT" Riyan screamed.
"Yes, it's an Accident but you didn't reached on time and she died" he said.
"Mr. Ajay speak the truth" i warned.
"My father and mother aka your chachu and chachi after knowing about me, removed me from all Ahuja's properties. Before 6 years when she entered in her 18, all the properties and will was named on her. She had 50 percent shares. I just want the property. So, i waited for her, i came to know that she come to Delhi, and is his fiancee so it's good opportunity to take over the shares of her as well as Riyan's some money also. So, I was planning to kidnap her, and make her sign the shares paper that she is assigning the share to me. But that day only she died." He said.

What kind of person he is?. Seriously, she died but he wants money. My sister Died. That day my heart break into pieces. She is the only family i was having.

"And that's why you behind of your blind love for money you burn Ahuja's mansion and company. You burn my family Alive. Right Mr. Ajay Ahuja?" I asked.
"No, No, yes i am blind for money but i will never kill." He scaredly said.
"Yes you do that" i said. And he pleaded that NO, but i didn't give a fuck.

"Come to you Roy, let's make a deal. You know In Mafia there was a treaty of peace signed between the groups of Mafia's. So here is the paper sign this" i take paper's from Liam and gave him and pen.
"What's this? And how do you know about Mafia?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Sign this, it's written on the paper that you are signing a treaty of peace with me" i said.
"WHO ARE YOU?" He confusingly asked.
"HAZEL BROWN" liam answered and i smirked.
"Y..You are the one? Hazel brown, the only women ruling in Indian Mafia on top?" He asked
And I just shrugges my shoulders.
"But i heard Liam is your bodyguard" he asked.
"I told you know, first get the proper information you're messing. He is MY RIGHT MAN" i smirked.
"Now sign the deal Roy, That you are signing a peace treaty with HAZEL BROWN and you will never gonna trouble us in future. And as you Mr. Ajay , you're working under Roy, this implies to you too. Your boss is signing the treaty with us. So don't interfere. Anyways Liam take Him in Den, he burns my parents, my family, my property, I will see him after and You Roy sign the paper and leave and never again show your face to us."
And with this, Liam take him, he pleaded he is not the one. But i ignored. And Roy signed the paper. and Leave all them 4. And left.

I run towards Bhai, and hugged him tightly., "Bhai? Are you okay na Bhai. Am so sorryyyyy Bhai because of me .." i was saying but he interrupted., "Shh..baccha nothing happened because of you, you're my strong women. MY HAZEL BROWN" he said and i smiled.
"You're the one, like seriously, You're THE HAZEL BROWN, i mean i have heard that she is the very strong women ruling in Indian Mafia and her name is unique because she named it on her eye color. Woah you're the one. It's surprising You're the owner of A&A Co. And now HAZEL BROWN too many surprises women" Aditya said surprisingly dramatic. And i giggled.

I move towards Rey and asked "You are okay, Rey?" And was going to hug him but he step back. I was confused.
Then my bodyguard came to discuss about all this things and to clean everything so that anyone didn't got any clue, so they sanitize everything and all. So i said "You all leave. Bhai I will meet you at home, within some hours okay" i said and he nodded and everyone left. He didn't even glance at me. Why Riyan? What happened to you?.

I leave in half an hour checking everything. I was going to basement towards my Car. And someone grabbed me and started dragging.

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