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I give my father one last smile before driving my knife through his heart. I lock the door and wait, anticipating the gruesome scene I'm about to witness. But somehow I can't wait. After a few painful minutes, my father finally turns. I watch him eat my mom, leaving nothing but a few bones and a lot of blood. Now's the fun part. Running. My happy ass speeds out of the house I was raised in. And I've never been more happy to leave. My dad deserved exactly what he got. He was a nasty rapist and a thriving drunk. I look at my most recent bruise, which is on my shoulder, and sigh, hoping I won't be getting any more of them. It's on the bad arm, which is covered in cuts from my knife just one day ago. I make it to the woods and slow my pace a bit, hoping to stay out of trouble. I climb a nearby tree and make the night out like Katniss Everdeen.

I wake up to a twig snapping. I sit up as quick as possible, trying to stay in my tree bed. That's when I spot a deer. I watch it fall to the ground as an arrow shoots it in the head. A ragged man walks out of some bushes and that's when my pack decides to fall out of the tree. That's also when I  realize there's a gun pointed at me. I throw my hands up in defence and climb down the tree. I scrape my wrist on the rough bark on accident. "Mother truck!" I yelp, trying to keep my mouth clean around this mystery man. But before I know it my arm gives up and I fall out of the tree, just a few feet from the ground. And I black out.

Sorry this is kinda short but I didn't wanna get too far into the plot and spoil it <3

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