Under One Roof

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                (also, sorry Enid fans, bc I sorta throw her under the bus...)


My bandaged arm gently opens a door in Rick's house. There's a bed that has my bag, along with some extra clothes. But what really catches my eye is the sight of some comics. "Hope you like Spider-Man Y/N." Carl's voice rises up from the silence, making me jump. "Yeah, Spider-Man's fine, Cowpoke" He laughs at my little joke about his sheriff's hat. He is about to walk out as he stops in my doorway. "And if your clothes don't fit, just throw them at Michonne or something." I plaster on a fake smile and nod. I close my door and check my pack. Everything's there except my gun. I roll my eyes and throw on a white tee shirt and a worn pair of jeans. I stare at my arm and throw an oversized flannel on to cover it. I change my damp socks for some crisp dry ones and grab my canteen. It's full, which is a relief. I lace my hiking boots up and throw my door open. I can't help but glance into Carl's room. Some girl must've snuck into his room, because there's a girl in there playing with his hair. She's practically climbing on him. I stifle a laugh and pull their door shut for them. Might as well make a good impression, y'know? I walk past a tall woman with a serious look on her face. She's talking to Rick, who gives me a quick smile. The woman puts her arm out to stop me from passing. "I'm Michonne, and you must be Y/N" I nod quickly and rush out the door.

 "Why the hell am I so awkward!?" I think. I must of voiced it out loud, because a girl with a baby on her hip stops me. "So you're Y/N, right? Well I'm Carol, and this little one is Judith, Carl's sister". I nod shyly and look at my feet. Carol notices a bruise on my shoulder. I blush and anxiously adjust  my tee shirt and flannel so that they cover it. She pulls me over to  the secluded corner of  the porch. With Judith still in her arms Carol asks sternly "Where'd you get that from, Y/N". I can't take all of these questions, and apparently can't hold back my tears, either. Carol looks at me with a look of sympathy."M-my dad. He used to... to hit me". Those last two words come out as a whisper, but Carol seems to understand. "It's okay, Y/N. It's all over." Carol pulls me in a hug, and whispers in my ear "My husband used to do the same thing, honey" I weasle out of Carol's arms and wipe my tears away. "Good to know I'm not alone, Carol." I say. I play with Judith mindlessly as I tell Carol a bit about myself. Carol tells me to go, and stop wasting her time. I can tell she's joking, but I still hurry away from her, just in the case that she might not be joking.

"Woah there!" a cheery southern accent pipes . I look up and see a pretty-looking woman with a nice man at her side. "I- I'm so sorry ma'am. Please enjoy your day. You too sir." I say, hoping to escape the uncomfortable situation. "Not so fast, kid." the man says with a laugh. "We haven't seen you around here before, darling" the woman says. "Maggie, didn't Rick, Daryl, and Carl bring home some girl around Carl's age?" I sigh, knowing this is my cue. "That'd be me. I'm Y/N. You're Maggie and you're, umm... Grant, or something." I wince, knowing by his face that I got the man's name wrong. "It's Glenn, but you were pretty close." I smile and shake hands with them both, but Maggie notices my arm. "Oh my God! What happened here, Y/N?" "Oh, umm. I kinda scraped it on a tree. But before that I used a, uh, knife" I answer gingerly, hoping to avoid some of the embarassment. Before I know what's going on, Maggie wraps me in a bear hug and I feel some tears on my shoulder. "You remind me of my little sister, Beth, Y/N. I actually think that's what I'll call you, is Lil' Sis." Maggie looks determined, but also kind of sad. Glenn crosses his arms and backs away slightly. I chuckle and point at him. Maggie whips around and charges at him, kissing him passionatley. "CUT IT OUT, LOVEBIRDS!" Carol shouts.  I pretend to stick my finger down my throat, and then run off to a secluded area under a tree.


I'm under a tree, admiring the apocalyptic sunset. I watch Carl plop down next to me. I sigh, knowing very well that the hickey on his neck is from that slut that was in his room just 3 hours ago. "What could you possibly need from me, Grimes?" I say. He sets his hand on my shoulder, and I shrug it off, still feeling self concious about when Carol saw it earlier. "Whoa, Y/N, what'd I do wrong?" I groan, not wanting to talk to him. "I just want to be pissed at someone, so, Carl Grimes, I choose you." I get up and walk back to the house for an awkward dinner.

Apocalypse Love (Carl Grimes x Reader fluff)Where stories live. Discover now