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Back to Y/N's pov. (do u guys like when its carl's pov? just curious<3) also sorry enid fans, but i personally dislike her bc she tryna take carl i the show like bitchhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Mornin', Trooper!" I hear a familiar voice beam. 

I try to sit up but fall back as an angry pain zipped through my bad arm. "Rick-Dad! Is Carl around?" I blurt. Instead of answering my question, I feel a big hat fall on my head. "Morning, Cowpoke." I giggle. "You're the Cowpoke now, Y/N" Carl's familiar voice warms my whole body, but I don't know why. Me and Carl are just friends! Right? Right. And right now, I need to figure out how I'm going to pee with my arm like this. I see a small bell on the table and ring it with my good hand. MIchonne runs up the steps, obviously confused. "Hey Michonne! So what if I told you I have to pee..." I say, scratching the back of my head innocently. Michonne groans and picks me up. She carries me to the bathroom, standing just outside in case I need something.


It's a Tuesday morning, and I'm sitting at the table for the 3rd morning in a row, which is really exciting. Denise took me off bed rest after about 4ish days. Now the only evidence is some pretty intense scarring and tiny little bumps. Carl's sitting beside me, admiring me. I feel a gentle blush cross my face and instantly try to cover it up. Carl's been, well... different, since what happened just a week ago. He's been really protective, and I think it's because of the whole Ron thing. But Ron is somehow smart enough to keep his distance. And I don't think I've seen Enid the Homewrecker since all this shit with my arm started. While I was on bed rest, Carl wouldn't.stop.talking. And it was annoying as shit, but also kind of hot?

 I look at Carl once my excessive blushing has stopped. "Soooooo. What're you gonna have for breakfast Carl?" I ask, trying not to sound weird. He looks up from his comic and smiles. "Nothing, bossy. You know that". I put my hands up in defeat. "Well, if you don't have anything, then neither will I!" A smirk crosses my face, knowing that Carl hates the idea of me not eating. "Y/N, you'll be the end of me, I swear." he sighs and pinches the top of his nose, just like his father. I grab two oranges and throw one at Carl, hitting him on the head hard enough to knock his hat off. I laugh and hightail it out of there, knowing Carl is on my ass. The screen door slams behind me, but is then shoved open. "DUCK OR DIE!" Carl yells at me. I run and hide behind a chair. He will not be trying ANYTHING!  And I mean it, because I'll try it first. While he looks around the corner of the house, I throw my orange at him and run for the bathroom. It's the one room that only locks from the inside. I look in the shower to hide and see Judith. "Peek-a-boo!" she giggles. I unlock the door but set Judith on my lap. I snuggle her and we just laugh until Carl finds us. He throws his orange to the ground to come and join our tickle fight. We do mindless little kid things ,like rock paper scissors tournaments, on the floor until Rick walks in with a magazine. "Get outta here you guys!" Rick shouts. I carry Judith out and Carl follows us. We end up at the couch, where we continue our shenanigans until lunch time.

I'm sorry that was long but sweet. And the romance is StArTiNg!!!

I'm going to be posting about every other weekend,so be prepped for more chapters and feel free to request stuff. Just acknowledge I write at like, midnight... so yeah<3 Thanks for reading pookies! <3

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