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I wake up in a crowded car with my wrists tied together with rope. Some watery tears fill my eyes slightly as I flashback to the last time I was tied up.  A boy around my age is staring at me with intent. I need to be strong, because these people could be enemies. I recognize only the ragged man, who is driving. A man that slightly resembles the boy is in the passenger seat up front, asleep. 

"Daryl, she's awake" the boy says. The ragged man, apparently named Daryl, takes his eyes off the road ahead for only a few seconds to glance at me. I use the rearview  mirror to look at myself. I look  tired, helpless, and bruised. All are true except for the helpless part. Well, actually, I am helpless in these ropes. My train of thought gets interuppted as the boy elbows me in my bad arm. I wince, but he doesn't seem to notice. "Do you talk, or are you a mute person?" he asks. I roll my eyes and reply "I can talk just fine, shitbag" "Hey! Keep the attitude down, girl" Daryl grunts. " And don't talk to her, Carl. She could be dangerous". I feel worthless even though I know I should be used to being treated like an object. The car pulls up to a big wall, and Daryl flicks the passenger that resembles this Carl kid. "Wha- what'd I miss?" Rick asks worriedley, a hint of tiredness in his voice. "Just the girl wakin' up" Daryl says, trying to hold back a laugh. If I were more comfortable with these people, maybe I'd have laughed too. The gates to the wall roll open and the car drives forward, into what looks like a nice city, still intact. And that's when I see it. More people, just walking around unarmed. I'm shaken out of my trance as Carl tugs me out of the car. The passenger hands Carl two bags, one of which being mine. He then grabs me by the shoulders and leads me to a small shed. It smells dusty inside, but I ignore that.


"How many walkers you killed?" the  man asks. 

"Umm, maybe about 15-20. I dunno" I try to shrug nonchalantly but wince as moving my bad arm sends a stinging jolt of pain through my body.

"Okay, how many people you killed?" he asks.

My face goes white. "Two, but one killed the other". I hold back stinging tears and sigh.

"Last question, Trooper. Why?"

I don't even have to think. "My dad was a rapist and he hurt me and my mom. And my mom took her pain out on me" I say, feeling a hot tear drip down my cheek.

He walks over to me and rubs my head in sympathy. "Welcome to Alexandria, Trooper. I'm Rick, and the gruff-lookin' one was Daryl. And the one 'round your age was-"

I cut him off. "Carl, right?" He looks shocked but nods. "Yep, Carl's my son"

I breathe a sigh of relieif as Rick unties my wrists. He spots my cuts and scratch and tells me I need it looked at. I've been here all of 25ish minutes and I already have too much on my plate

Sorry there's not much romance yet, but I have to build the scene!

Apocalypse Love (Carl Grimes x Reader fluff)Where stories live. Discover now