Where's Judith At!?

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(y/n's pov)
"Hey, y/n. It's almost time for lunch" Carl shouts through the door. I look over at the small alarm clock next to my bed. It reads 11:34 PM. Shit. I jump up and look out my window. Sure enough, people are awake and living life. I spot a group of younger kids poking at something. Still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I thunder down the stairs. I barely acknowledge Michonne as I fly through the door. Out of breath and half asleep still, I stumble over to the group.

"Hey, move it. What are we poking at?" I demand. One of Judith's friends looks at me so seriously that I almost forget she's a kid. "We finded this, y/n" she tells me. I look down at the object and see something that normally wouldn't panic me. Usually, I'd just roll my eyes and pick this up. But, seeing Judith's teddy bear in the middle of town was unusual. Judith loves her toys and takes really good care of them. They stay in the house, and are always clean. Now, the small bear is covered in dirt and is crumpled right by the lake. I put the pieces together and jump in the lake.

I was not going to let a kid die like that. Especially not Judith.

It was noon by the time Carl pulled me out of the water. I had searched everywhere in the large pond, but only found some tattered remains of a walker. "Y/n, what happened? Why were you swimming?" Carl asks. I sit down by the small bear and ring my hair out.
"Judith. Where is she? Please tell me you've seen her today." I say, picking the bear up. Carl stares at it and sighs. "I had been hoping she was with you." He tells me. I stand up and look around nervously. "Holy shit, Carl. Judith is missing! JUDITH IS MISSING!" I scream. He sets his hand on my shoulder and runs his fingers through my wet hair. I look him in the eye and shove his hand off my shoulder. "Carl, this isn't the time for your bullshit romance. You do realize that nobody has seen your sister ALL DAY, right?" He nods and walks off. I decide to look through the rest of Alexandria. I mean, somebody must know where she is, right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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