The Run (Part 2)

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Y/N POV <3

I anxiously check my watch as I run from building to building, checking to find resources and my group. "Y/N, you're so stupid. You've known this group for less than a month and somehow managed to get lost already!? How do you even do that, dumbass?" I say out loud. I know that it was the walkers who seperated us, but I blame it on myself, knowing the guilt will help me in a way. Once I've cleared the last building in this town, I move to the next. But on my way there, the sound of a twig snapping makes me hold up my gun and look around anxiously.

 A familiar face materializes from behind a bush. I drop my gun and run towards Carl Grimes. I trail kisses down his jawline and smile. "I missed you so much I think it hurt." I confess to the constable's son. He admires me a bit, but then passes me to pick up the gun I dropped. "This is Enid's, Y/N. Wh- what happened?" he asks shakily. I sigh "Walkers happened. And they tried to make her lunch. And one succeeded." he looks upset, but not too upset. I walk over and hug him, giving him my shoulder to cry on. He doesn't cry, but I can tell he needs to. I kiss his forehead and tell him to bring me back to Rick-Dad. He nods and grabs my hand, not letting go of it until Rick is right next to us. Rick's eyes are red, and he gives me a big bear-hug. Not really my thing, but I go with it since I've missed him so much. I ask if they've heard from Maggie, Glenn or Daryl, but it's all a no. 

A few moments later, Maggie stumbles across us. "Lil Sis! You're okay! Thank the good lord." Maggie exclaims. I hug her, feeling weirded out by the absence of Glenn. "We'll find em'. We always do, Maggs" Carl says. I have a feeling he's right.

Time Skip <3

Carl Grimes' head is on my shoulder, and I can hear him snoring slightly.  I blush as Maggie and Glenn glance at us. Dary's bike is in the trunk, and he drives while Rick sleeps. Rick is always sleeping in cars it seems like. There's a tiny dip in the road, and Carl instantly jolts up. I chuckle and put his head back on my shoulder.

 I must fall asleep as well because Glenn and Maggie are poking us to wake up. I yawn and shove Carl off me. He pretends to be seriously offended, but his playful smile breaks his character. We are driving through Alexandria's gates when I realize that what happened today was pure luck. Maggie was right, thank the good lord.

this is gonna be my last one for like 2 weeks sry :( luv u all 

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