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I'm sobbing so hard that I can barley breathe. 

Maggie is, too.

I can't believe what just happened. It was so sudden, so suprising.

We've lost a lot of people, but these losses... Just hurt so much worse than the others.

Denise died. All of Ron's family died. Reg and Deanna died. Others have died. But they were different. They didn't matter as much.

Glenn mattered. Abraham mattered. They mattered so much. They were vital members of our group.

And now they're both dead.

And I can't do anything about it.

I can't go help Maggie, because if I move, Negan will bash my brains out.

So I just have to wait.

Wait for Glenn to die.

For Negan to let us leave.

To wrap my arms around Maggie and tell her that it will get better.

To bury our bodies.

Wait to get Maggie help.


I just have to wait.

What a peculiar word, wait. I seem to be using it a lot more than ususal.

But then again, nothing is usual anymore.

Apocalypse Love (Carl Grimes x Reader fluff)Where stories live. Discover now