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(Btw this is in Carl's POV so yeah<3[also their eating that "Awkward  dinner" at the beggining if you were curious])

I sit down at my chair and take my hat off, setting it on the floor. This new Y/N girl just showed up, but I think I like her. Not like, kissy kissy, but as a person in general. I spot Michonne glaring at me, and especially at the big red hickey Enid gave me earlier. I clear my throat. "Sooooo... How was your day, dad?" I ask innocentley. I look to Michonne for approval, but she rolls her eyes and glances at Y/N. I nod intentley as dad tells us how he worked on plans for the extension with Deanna. We all tell dad how interesting and exciting that'll be. I grin at Michonne. She smirks back at me.

"Y/N! How was your day? Meet anyone?" I ask, hoping she won't tell my dad about me and Enid's little "affair". She looks uncomfortable but dad seems intent, so that probably helps her start. "Umm, well I met Carol, Grant, Maggie and Judith today, and I guess I also spent time by the pond." She looks way more anxious than usual. I see her swallow a few times before she starts the sipping ritual. And when I say ritual, I mean ritual. Sip, swallow, look around nerveously, repeat. I feel bad, so I scoot closer to her and give her a warm smile. Michonne clears her throat and stares at me. I pretend that I misinterpreted her message of "ask me how my day was". So I start going on about how me and Enid were reading comics, and how I watched the sunset with Y/N. But when I get to the sunset part, she stands up and walks up the stairs. I hear her door click shut. I start to stand up but dad stops me.

"I got it, Carl." he says. "I might know why she's mad, though, dad!" I raise my voice at him, which is a mistake. "Carl Grimes, get your ass up in your room, and keep it out of those damn comic books!" he goes a bit above the tone I had raised with him. This is when I notice his bloodshot eyes. His overgrown beard that's going gray. I walk up to my room and lay face down on my bed.

 I'm almost asleep when Michonne walks in. I flip over and sit up slightly. She hands me my hat, and I put it on my bedpost. She comes and sits down next to me and smiles sympathetically. "Lay back on your stomach again, Carl" she says. Since it's an adult I trust, I do it. She rubs my back and shoulders. I have to admit, it reminds me of mom. But I really don't want Y/N to find out about her. But I just can't stop thinking about mom. The picture of my family propped against my lamp. I glance at it, and I can't hold my tears back. I hate crying a lot, because it makes me feel stupid and weak, but sometimes you just can't help it. I sit up and hug Michonne. Little do I know, dad and Y/N are doing the same thing in her room. Cuddling and crying.

Sorry! Short but sweet <3

Apocalypse Love (Carl Grimes x Reader fluff)Where stories live. Discover now