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We walk through the gates of Hilltop, bringing Abraham and Glenn with us. We're planning on keeping Maggie there since the doctor can help deliver her baby. And Sasha volunteered to stay with Maggie. That's why we've decided to bring Abe and Glenn in. So they have a place to mourn.

----------small time skip---------

I'm digging a grave with Sasha when I hear a voice shouting. "Hey! Who said that you could bury them here!?" Gregory shouts at us. I roll my eyes. "Jesus said it'd be fine. Now fuck off." I snap. He looks suprised. "Well, I'm not ok with it. Jesus doesn't run this place! I do!" he stutters. I grab a clod of dirt and throw it at him. "What was that for!?" he exclaims"I told you to fuck off!" I shout. Picking up another clump of the dusty earth, I throw it and hit him square in the face. He runs away, muttering something about teenagers.

I hear someone chuckle behind me. I turn around and see Carl, grinning. "What about that was funny? He was being a dick, and I handled it!" I hiss. He lets out another small laugh. "Gregory's scared of you. You scare him. Not even my dad intimidates him." Carl confirms. I chuckle. "Of course your dad intimidates him. Your dad intimidates me." I tell him. "Ok... you have a- Wait. You're scared of my dad?" Carl remarks. I sigh. "Well, he's not nessicarily scary. It's just that..." I trail off, using the grave as an excuse to stay quiet. Carl isn't giving it up, though. "Y/N, you are definitely scared of my dad." he marvels. I grab a clump of dirt and throw it at him. "Y/N! Are you working or flirting?" Sasha inquires. I roll my eyes. "Working, Sasha. I'm working." I tell her. But I am most definitley flirting.

Apocalypse Love (Carl Grimes x Reader fluff)Where stories live. Discover now