The Run (Part 1)

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We're back to Y/N's pov. I'M SO FUCKING SORRY ENID FANS(this is made up bc im currently on szn 6 so yea!<3) MENTIONS SUICIDE! DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE PLS!

"Hey! Why the hell are we stopping!? What the hell is happening Rick?" Glenn's worried voice shouts at the walkie. There's some static, and then the sound of Daryl yelling at all of us to get our asses moving. Me, Enid, and Carl are sitting in the back, which is pretty cramped, considering we all have a lot of gear. I made Carl sit in between me and Enid, because he knows that I don't really like her. But I ignore her snotty attitude and try to focus on what's happening right now.  And that's when I see it. A pretty big crowd of walkers storming towards our vehicles. Glenn tells Daryl what's happening over the walkie, but my brain might as well be mush, because a terrifyingly familiar walker is clawing at my door. "D-dad?" I get a close look and see my own father, trying to eat me. I grasp Carl's arm and bury my face into his shoulder. He looks confused, but rubs my back gently. A few small tears form as what happened that night, which was almost a full month ago, sinks in. Like all the way.


I'm shaking at this point. The knife is still in my hand, the blood still on it. The corpse still in front of me. Enid's corpse. I consider taking my life next. But then I remember Carl. God, the way his eyes sparkle drives me nuts. And the way he talks with me. Makes it seem like he cares, which he might. I let the last tear fall down my face. Then I stand up. I dump most of Enid's things into my pack, leaving what I can't fit in the backpack that belonged to Enid. I put both bags on my back and walk over to a walker. Using it's guts, I write my enitials on a wall. I enter a building and clear it. Then, I pile as many objects as possible against the door and glass display. On buildings, I chose wisely. It's close to the road, and full of food. I stock up on as many cans as possible. Then I work on cleaning my knife and Enid's. Then I find a can of pork and beans and a soda pop. I start a small fire in a trash can and cook my beans over it. I finish warming them up and dump water on the flame. Using a bent piece of metal, I eat my pork and beans and drink my soda. I  close my eyes and try to fall asleep, wondering if Carl is thinking about me.

Carl's POV

I sit with my dad, still worried about Glenn, Maggie, Enid, and especially Y/N. We drove past these little towns, trying to find a sign of our group. There were some guts on a wall, but they looked like they said run, not any initials. And our group has planned to always write our initials on a wall or other surface. That way we'd know if our people were safe. But I wanted to check inside. But the furniture shoved against the glass told me otherwise. I'm still mad at the glass. But I'm glad me and dad can spend some time together. He tells me about a crazy person that he'd met last week in the woods. He tells me about how I was when I was a baby. He just keeps talking, even though I hardly listen. I think he's worried about Y/N, too. I feel tears come to my eyes, but I don't let them spill out. I move over to my dad and give him the first real hug since the prison. I know he's thinking about mom, too. But then it hits me. I might never see Judith again.  I look at my dad, wondering if the same thought crossed his mind. And I don't know if I'll ever see Y/N again. I just want to turn my brain off. I curl up in a ball on the ground and stare into the fire. Maybe I'll never see fire again? My brain thinks about the question as I fall asleep.



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