Might As Well Be Dead

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y/n's pov

When I left Alexandria just before dinner, I thought that I'd be able to outrun all problems that were human related. But here's my dumb ass, on a motorcycle with some creepy dudes who are either going to rape me, kill me, or do both. The overpowering smell of cologne coming off of Simon makes me want to puke. But if I puke on him or on anything, I know I'll die. So I try to think of what to tell Carl and Rick. Damn it! What to tell everyone in Alexandria. Not really working. Wait. How did Simon know my name? And what the fuck does he mean by my boyfriend !? Carl? But we aren't dating! My mind is racing from thought to thought as we pull up to the familiar gates of Alexandria. Once the bike stops, I hop off. Someone grabs me while Simon ties a bandanna around my mouth as a gag. "Don't make any noise, dumb bitch" he hisses into my ear. I nod as I'm forced up to the gates. "Knock" Simon whispers. I rap my knuckles against the gates, waiting for someone to open them. It's pretty late by now, so I'm not sure who's on guard. I feel myself being dragged backwards just as the gates get pulled open. And when I see Rick and Carl, along with Glenn, I can't help but start crying. 

----Carl's POV----

(a few minutes before the saviors got to alexandria btw<3) 

"Dad! I don't care what you say, I'm going with to find her." I shout. "Carl! Shut up! You'll wake the whole town up" my dad whispers. I roll my eyes and get into the car. "Carl. I'm giving you 3 seconds to get out of that damn car and go to bed." threatens my dad. "Okay! I'm getting out of the fucking car!" I hiss. Just as I'm turning to go home, though, there's a knock on the gates. I turn around and watch Glenn open them. I freeze when I see Y/N with a gag around her mouth and tears in her eyes. 

"Loose something?" a man shouts from the crowd of people on motorcycles. I step forward and the ringleader of their group almost instantly points a gun at Y/N's head. I throw my hands up and take a step backward. The man laughs and puts the gun closer to Y/N's head. She's shaking with tears by now, but I haven't heard a single sound from her. "I'm Simon, and I'm going to need the cowboy to come over here right now, or she dies." the man says. I walk over to Y/N and Simon, trying to hide my fear. "be strong, Carl. don't fucking cry like a baby."  I think. "Now, boy. What's your name?" Rolling my eyes, I groan "Carl Grimes. My name's Carl Grimes. Now put the gun back in it's holster, forehead." Welp, I'm fucked  I think. "Oh-ho-ho! Someone's got an attitude!" Simon cackles. "Now, you want to keep her alive? Give me your guns. NOW!" he yells. I nod and hand the gun to Simon, grip first. I walk backwards and watch as Glenn, dad, and everyone else on watch slide their guns over to Simon. "Well, there's obviously more, right?" Simon asks. "Yeah, there are more guns. Just follow me" my dad says. "You can go now, girl" Simon says while yanking off Y/N's gag. As my dad leads Simon to the armory, Y/N runs over to me and collapses in my arms.

I admire her. God, she is beautiful. "I figured that you might as well have been dead, Y/N" I tell her. In between sobs, she looks up at me. "Me too, Carl." And before she can bury her head in my shoulder again, I kiss her. It's quick, but I have no regrets. So there we sit, two teenagers in love, crying and snotting all over each other. And it's the best thing that's ever happened.

this one was ✨spicy✨

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