The Big Day

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<3Back to Y/N's POV<3

Knock Knock! 

I jolt up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Making sure I'm decent, I shout"COME IN!" to the mysterious knocker. I assumed it'd be Carl or Rick nagging me to get ready for the interview. But to my surprise, it's Michonne. She hands me a small bag and winks as she exits. Inside, there's a few feminine products, but theres also a toothbrush and toothpaste. Oh!  And there's a small comb inside. And a note from Michonne that tells me how to use the feminine products. I shiver in disgust but am thankful for it, since my stash almost ran out. But on the back of the note, in messy handwriting,  it says to meet by the lake 5 minutes after breakfast. Confused, I get ready for my interview with Deanna, putting on my favorite clothes. I peek through the keyhole to Carl's room and see that it's empty. I pull the door open quietly, and steal his hat that's sitting on his bed. Maybe I'll wear it at my interview?

"So, Y/N! How's my cooking?"Michonne asks. I laugh and tell her it's pretty good. "Oh! And I was wondering if you like cats?" That one catches me off guard. "Cats. Like the ones that have whiskers and eat fish?" I ask Michonne. "Yup. Those are the only kind I know of, Y/N" she replies, feeding Judith a bite of applesauce. "Umm, I guess they're okay... Why exactly do you need this information, Michonne?" She bites her lip, trying to hide a smile. "I want to convince Rick to let us get a cat. They're good at keeping rats away, y'know." I smirk and listen to her plan, finishing my breakfast.

I walk to the lake and see the silouhette of a boy about Carl's age. But he's too tall to be Carl. And way too stalky. As I make my way closer to him, I notice more features. Blonde hair that goes wherever it wants. Green eyes that sparkle in a mischievous way. "Hey, Y/N. You made it."he says. His  voice catches me off guard. It seems weirdly deep. "So you haven't met me, but I'm Ron" he smiles sweetly at me. I smile back, but he's giving me pervert vibes. "So, Ronnie. How old are you?" I ask. I know if I turn him on, he'll tell the truth. I pull my hair behind my ear, and it flips a switch. He picks me up and carries me into his house and up to his room. Gently setting me down, he puts his forehead on mine. His breath stinks, and I have to hold back a gag. He licks his lips which honestley freaks me out. I pretend that I'm having a panic attack so that he'll stop being a pervert. Stupid? Yes. Effective? Hell yes! He pulls away and I see him start getting nerveous. He looks around his room for water or something, but while his back is turned, I run.

"So, Y/N,  would you mind if I record our conversation?" I arrange Carl's hat on my head and nod, taking one last anxious sip from my water. But before Deanna turns the camera on, she sets her hand on mine, and tells me to take a deep breath. I do and end up feeling a lot better. And, surprise surprise, I answer my questions from her without any fear.

The way I cackle when I write these...


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