Do You Know I Love You?

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y/n's pov <3

I look up at Carl's face, covered in tears and sweat, and I realize that I've loved him all along. I just haven't let myself admit it. I had all this rage and, I took it out on him. And he's made it clear that he loves me, so why the fuck has it been so hard for me to admit that I feel the same? I mean, I'm not afraid of love, am I? All I know is that I'm tired and sore. 

"Carl, I think I'm gonna go to bed." I whisper. He looks at me and smiles. "Not without me, Y/N. I'm never letting you out of my sight unless I know you're safe. And right now, with the Saviors here, I'm not confident of that." he tells me. I blush as he helps me up from the rough concrete we were just sitting on. I try to tell him that I'll be fine on my own, but he objects. Still hand in hand, we walk through the doorway of the Grimes household. Michonne looks up from some blueprints and rolls her eyes sarcastically, but gives me a quick smile before she goes back to what she was doing. 

"Carl, I need to change quick. I can't sleep in these jeans" I say. He nods and throws one of his faded t-shirts at me. I roll my eyes and go change in my room. Just as I go to leave my room, my eye catches the sight of my open window. I walk over to close it just as Carl opens my door. "Privacy is still important, even though there's walkers roaming the earth!"  I yell. Carl chuckles and sits down on my bed. "You wanna go to my room or stay in here?" he asks me. I gesture to his room and smile. "Let's just, keep it PG, ok?" I can't help but blush a little when I say this. "Yeah, sure Y/N" Carl replies. We walk across the hall to his room, and shut the door just as the screen door downstairs opens. I look up at Carl. "Phew! We almost got caught." I whisper in his ear. He nods and locks me in a tight hug. "Carl, do you know I love you?" I ask. "Yes, of course I do" he responds. He gives me a quick kiss on my forehead before shutting his eyes to sleep.

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