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(Y/N'S pov)

I feel lost without Glenn and Abraham. I miss the way they made Alexandria feel safe. I miss them. Everything about them. I try to hide the fact that I miss them so much. But Carl can tell how I feel. I just know it.

"It'll be okay, Y/N." Carl tells me. I think he's reassuring himself more than me, but It's still sweet.

I look up at him. "I know, Carl." I smirk as I say this. I reach up and yank his hat off. I drop it on my head and plant a kiss on his forehead. Carl smiles at me and wraps me in a hug. It's awkward, since we're in a car, but it's still a hug.
---------——time skip—----------
"Everyone out of the car!" Rick yells. I'm not sure what's happening since I just woke up from a nap, but it doesn't seem good. I peek out the window of the car and see the walls of Hilltop. I look at Carl for an answer. He clearly is as confused as me, though. And so, I get out of the car, and walk up to the gates with the rest of my group. Here's to being lost forever, I guess...

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