The Truth And Popcorn

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I kinda based this off of a part from the best Carl series out there! Tysm for the inspo!

I'm still sorta on edge about earlier. I mean, Ron was absolutely terrifying. And if there's anything  I've learned about abuse, then its never hide abuse unless you're told. And Ron said nothing about keeping it secret. But I don't know Glenn, Maggie, or even Carol good enough to tell them. And I don't really feel that close with Rick or Michonne, either. So that basically just leaves Carl and Deanna. And I'm obviously not about to tell Deanna my deepest secrets two days in a row. And I think Carl has something to tell me, too.

 I find Rick and greet him with a gentle hug. "Have you seen Carl today Da- Rick?". My face flushes pink as I stare at the ground."Remember, Y/N, your dad is dead!" Rick seems confused as well but then hugs me back. "Nope, not since breakfast, kiddo. And if you want, you can call me dad. I don't mind, since I basically raise you anyways." Well that was weird! "Uhh, thanks Rick-Dad" I hear him chuckle as I walk away to find Michonne. But before I can find her, me and Ron cross paths. Uh oh... He pulls me against him and sloppily kisses down my nose before finding my mouth. I play along and let him slip his tongue in my mouth. And once he slips his tongue in, I bite down as hard as I can and knee him in the crotch. Pulling away from the distressed Ron, I run back to Rick-Dad. He can tell  somethings up when I start crying. He grabs my shoulder (the good one, thank god). "Show me, Y/N, don't tell me." he says, a hint of worry in his voice. I look over and see that Ron hasn't made it very far. I point, and then whisper "he tried to kiss me so I kicked him...". Rick-Dad pinches the top of his nose and goes over to Ron. He grabs him by the shoulder pretty roughly and leads him back to the Anderson household.  Jessie rolls her eyes and shoves him through the door frame, apologizing for Ron's behavior. Just then, Carl decides to show. Still standing near the "crime scene" I rush to Carl. I hug him, for the first time, but it almost feels natural. "I have to tell you something, Carl." I mutter in his ear, not breaking the hug. We wait for Rick-Dad to return, and I thank him again. He shrugs it off and tells us no kissing.

I'm in my room currently, sobbing into Carl Grimes' shoulder. He's just sitting under a blanket eating popcorn. He hands me a piece, but I swat it away, feeling to emotional to do anything but cry. "He -hiccup! kissed me! -hiccup!" I sob into his shoulder. At this, Carl goes rigid. It's sort of embarassing, having him care for me this much, but I might like it? Nope. I don't like it at all. "So that little bitch kissed you without your permission, is what I'm hearing!?" he almost yells. He throws the blanket off of himself and puts the popcorn in my lap. "Carl! Don't you do anywhere! I already bit his stupid tongue and kicked him in the nuts! IT'S FINE!!!" I shout. He looks at me and smiles a bit. But his smile fades as he sighs. He plops back down, spilling some popcorn from the bowl. "Damn, Cowpoke! Someone ate too much popcorn and shook the whole town!"I tease. He slaps me gently and playfully, but it hits my scratch from the tree. I gasp from the pain that shoots throughout my body. He looks so sorry and... angry? At himself? At Ron? At me? "Here Y/N, let me check it out". I groan and take off the bandages. But instead of getting better, it looks worse. I almost puke it looks so bad. Puss is everywhere and there's little black lines going up around the wound. The black lines really freak me out. I look at Carl, and I know what he's thinking. He thinks I'm bit. And I sorta do too...

This one was so long sry! again credit to CoralGrimesPoppa  for the idea i guess 

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