Home At Last

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(y/n's pov<3[lots of swearing tdy 👉👈])

Yawning slightly, me and Carl make our way out of the car, taking the newly collected supplies with us. I glance at Eugene, who seems confused since Enid isn't with us. "Where's Enid, Y/N?" he questions, clearly worried. Still upset by the fact that she basically railed Carl, I  almost yell at Eugene. "She's something's fucking lunch". Carl seems taken aback by my anger towards Enid. I roll my eyes and run ahead of the group to turn in my guns. I barley acknowledge Olivia's small attempt at conversation as I hurry to leave the armory. The group walks in just as I try to make my way out. Rick shoots me a "what the fuck, kid?"  look. I sigh and run to my room, hoping to avoid Michonne on the way. Finally making it to my room, I plop down onto my bed and start putting the supplies I'd picked up into Enid's bag. I find a piece of paper and write a small note explaining that the backpack is intended for Carl. I toss it across the hallway and close my door.

------time skip cutley-----

(carl's pov btw <3)

"y/n, you need to come down here for dinner!" I yell up the stairs. I hear some shuffling, but the door stays shut. "y/n! Dad and Michonne are worried about you!" I say, hoping that maybe the worried part will convince her to come downstairs. Nothing but the sound of my dad and Michonne talking. I'm fucking tired of her bullshit at this point. "Y/N, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW OR IM STEALING MY COMICS BACK!" I almost scream. Still no response... And now I'm getting worried. "Did she kill herself? Is she about to because of me!?" my mind races from thought to thought, slowly getting more menacing by each one. I can stand it anymore. I run up the stairs as fast as I can and yank her door open. Her room is empty, but her window is open. "Dad... Come up here for a sec." I choke. "You're gonna want to be pretty fast about it, too" I add.

Suspense is my middle name <3

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