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Jennie and Leah reached the stadium and settled near to the players. Leah spotted her boyfriend talking to his teammates casually. She waited till he noticed her and got up to wish him luck for his game today. Jennie followed not knowing what else to do.

"Babe! You made it! I'm glad you can watch the game today!" Andy started whole he embraced Leah.

"Jennie? What a surprise, i thought you hated volleyball? I remember someone saying they'd rather study at home..." Andy teased to which the couple laughed together.

Jennie didn't know what to say, so she stood there awkwardly smiling."I thought it would be great if i tried this once-"

"Taehyung is not here actually, that is, if you were looking for him," Andy interrupted.

Jennie's expression faded. You could tell she was disappointed.

So i dressed up for no one? I thought...

"But he'll come soon don't worry," Andy said lightening up Jennie's face again.

"See, i told you she likes him. Her face lit up when I said that," Andy whispered to Leah loud enough for Jennie to hear too.

"I've told you guys! I don't like him!" She was so done with all the crushing accusations. She decided to ignore them for a while and sat back.

She pulled out her phone and went in Instagram for a while. The time seemed to not go by at all.

How much longer. Why doesn't the game just start.

She shoved her phone back in her purse. She stared at the stadium entrance and watched each person's as they walked in.

"Are you waiting for him, Jennie?" Leah seated herself beside Jennie, looking at her friend being so lost staring at the glass door.

"I'm not." she didn't reply further.

"Alright, look at me. Into my eyes," Leah held hands making Jennie sit facing her.

"I know what you're gonna ask. I'm sure. I don't like him like that. Okay?" Jennie reassured.

Just then, the sound in the stadium grew from the normal chatter to a slightly chaotic. Both the friends turned to check it out.

He's here.

Jennie spotted Taehyung at the door looking just as she imagined him to be.

He wore a blue striped no sleeve jersey. It said V with the number 7 below it.

With him came a mob of girls swooning to watch the team play.

As the people rushed, it became hard for Jennie and Leah too watch what was happening.

Jennie shuffled in her place trying to get another glimpse of Tae. Just then,

Taehyung's eyes found Jennie's. Everything else blurred out for Jennie, all she could see was him. It felt as if the lights shone for him and the air blew for him. She sat up straight so that she could look past the wall of people surrounding the team.

Just the very second, Taehyung looked away to speak to his teammates. His conversation with them lasted only for a few seconds as he peeked to Jennie's side once again, catching her still gazing at him.

She's here.

Taehyung walked past the people around to go the opposite direction to where Jennie sat. He proceeded to talk to the rest of his friends who stood away from the crowd.

Jennie slumped back into her seat as he broke the eye contact and lost his attention. Though it was about 5 seconds of attention, it was foreign to Jennie that a guy like him, so majestic, to even notice and know she exists.

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