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As the two students reached their assigned class, they walked into a room with very popular rank-list students who always managed to get into the top academic excelling students.

Adding Tae and Jennie, there sat 5 people, other 3 being Esther, Jun and Riwan.

No doubt were they smart, but boy, they were already academic rivals. They saw each other's name all the time after the results were announced.

Unfortunately, for them, they had to work together to win for their University this time. They ought to befriend each other and spend time in each other's company.

"Hey..." Jennie started, visibly awkward. "So who has the study materials and the topic list?" Taehyung came straight to the point, clearly not up to wasting any time.

"Uh, yeah, I have it. I have a copy for everyone" Riwan said and handed out a sheet to each one.

"Take a seat, why don't you?" Esther pointed at the empty chairs around. Taehyung grabbed one with each hand and placed it near the table.
He sat down in one and glanced at Jennie, waiting for her do the same.

With lightly flustered face, she settled down and began to read through the paper that Riwan had passed to her.

After a few minutes of analysing their lists, they all prepared to discuss and practice their parts of work.

"So who's taking up what subjects?" Esther clasped her palms and rested her elbows on the desk, waiting for an answer.

"I can choose between geography and math, if anyone wants one of it, you can," Jun initiated.

"And I'll go for microbiology," Riwan added."Economics anyone? I'll take it if no one does," Jennie suggested.

"So we got Literature left, and geography or math, we could choose," Esther reminded about the remaining subjects.

"I'm comfortable with literature. You two can choose math and geography for yourselves," Esther finalized get subject.

"I don't like either of them," Taehyung leaned back on his chair in discomfort. "I'll take math, you take geography, yeah?" Jun said, making Tae strike an annoyed face.

"No No! I'll take math, it's easier for me," Taehyung hurriedly blocked his subject.

"Alright, you can keep your math to yourself." Jun scoffed and got up.

"Where are you going?" Esther gripped on his sleeve. "Uh, we're starting tomorrow right? What are we gonna do now anyways?" He replied, halting his steps.

"No, doesn't matter. We'll start today. Sooner the better" she said sternly. "why don't you ever let me get a break?!" Jun groaned and sat back down. The others cracked up and laughed playfully slowly starting to become friends.


"Now that we have our papers and materials organized, when do we start bringing in test papers and mock quizzes?" Esther questioned, to which the others made a sour face.

"What's with that expression?" She asked. "Don't you think we need some practice before we start with the quizzes and stuff?" Riwan tried to change her mind.

"But-" "No, really. We should take some time, practice and make sure we know all the things" Jennie cut her off.

"Yeah, and I'm not even that good at Math, and i don't think i can take up any other subject, can I?" Tae looked around.

"Alright, how long? 3 days?" She proposed a date. "Oh hell no, what can we do in 3 days?!" Jun got up from his chair again.

"One week?" Jun tried his luck. Esther sighed and nodded. In a hope filled mood, everyone left the room and prepared to go back to their classrooms.

Jennie gathered her belongings, putting some stuff into her pocket and holding some in her hand. Her chapstick slipped out of her hand, so she left her phone and a few papers on the table to grab the chapstick.

Just then, a staff person, who had come to clean the room entered, hurrying the students to leave soon. Jennie quickly bent down and picked up her chapstick.

When she turned back to pick up her papers and phone, it was missing. "I left it right here, where is it?" She looked around a few times to make sure she didn't miss anything.

"Hey, I have them. We have to leave soon, get out now." Taehyung stood at the door, holding her stuff in his big hands.

"Oh, um thank you," Jennie scurried towards him. She reached out her hand to take back her stuff, but he pretended to not see and started to walk towards their classes.

"Hey- my stuff-" she tried to voice him but her anxiety only silenced her, her words barely audible.

As they were about to reach Jennie's class, Tae leading in the front, he turned back and put his hands a little forward, only enough for Jennie to notice.

"Thank you, again. Also, to walking me to my class" she coughed up a few words, hoping he heard. Her cheeks were burning while the people around them stood watching and whispering words into each other's ears.

Tae, though he heard it, didn't reply back and turned to leave, hiding a smile while his head hung a little low. Sliding his hands in his pockets, he left towards his own class.

Jennie stood there, looking at him in absolute awe. Could he be anymore perfect? He even carried my stuff for me till my class.

She couldn't wait to tell this to her friends and see their reactions. She ran into her class with a bright face her eyes searching for her friends.

"Hey!!! You will NOT believe what happened!!" She squealed while jumping a little.

This was only a beginning; both of good and bad. Afterall, life wasn't an imagination not a movie where everything went as we hoped it to be.

Late update again. Sorry cause this was an unexpected addition but a perfect one to start a problem ;)

Grammar unedited

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