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Jennie sat in her living room, the television playing advertisements to which she barely paid any heed to. Her eyes were starting to weigh down as the warmth of the blanket over her body took over. The only light in the room originated from the TV, which only made the surrounding seem darker than it was.

Just as she was about to slip into a slumber, the fingers around the remote loosened, causing it to hit the floor. The carpet had suppressed the noise, nevertheless. The silence broke again, but louder this time.

The echo rung in Jennie's ears, waking her up immediately. Her body jerked, making her ringing phone fall to the ground, joining the remote.

She kicked off her blanket and put her palms on the floor while her lower body stayed on the couch.

Her hair fell on her face as she tried to pick up her phone without falling off her couch. As she laid her hands on her phone, it threw light in Jennie's droopy eyes, squinting to get used to the bright screen.

"Unknown number? Who is calling me at this hour?" It was only 8pm on a Saturday night.

She swiped on her screen and held it up to her ear and said, "Hello? Who is this?"

"Uh hello? Is this Jennie?"

She froze in the same position as she was while picking up her phone off the floor, but one palm on the floor and the rest of her body on the couch.

She could've sworn her heart skipped a beat and then began to beat faster than it ever had.

"Yes, I am Jennie- you- Kim Taehyung?" She replied hoping she hadn't mistaken someone else for him. It would be so embarrassing to assume a random person as your crush.

"What? Yeah this is Taehyung. I'm sorry for calling at this hour, just wanted to make sure I got the right number"

His voice answered back. She did not really follow a thing he said, she was too focused on listening to his honey covered voice that was so soothing yet raised her heart rate.

"Hello? You still there?" He said again to make sure she was still on the line.
"Uh, yeah, yeah I got it. I mean you got the right number" she fumbled over her words.

"All good then. Good night" he said and the voice went silent, probably waiting for an answer.

"Good night!" Before she could finish saying the 't' in night the dial tone beeped into her ears.

"He said my name. He said my NAME!" she rolled out of the couch and fell to the floor. Still laying there, she kicked her feet in excitement, screaming her lungs out in happiness.

"Wait wait wait, Leah Leah Leah" she chanted while scrolling through her contacts. When she did find it, she quickly tapped on it, initiating a call.

"pick up pick up.... Hello? Leah?" She spoke her voice full of joy, her happiness radiating through the phone.

"Hey!! What's up? Why are you screaming into my ears?!"

"Taehyung just called me!"

"What? He's got your number?"

"YES! He even said my name right this time. My name feels so beautiful when he says it, oh my god"

"Tell me everything tomorrow! I want it point to point, everything!"

"Yes yes, of course I will!"

Little did she know about who passed her number to her crush ;)


It was yet another day, time to get stuck in some new situations and meet new problems or can I say, luck driven challenges?

Jennie had opened her eyes to Taehyung's texts this morning, reminding her to save his number.

Her morning started off with a great kick of dopamine, his texts. She really couldn't get enough of it.

Her morning began the usual way, reach the campus, a trip in the garden, a chat with Marc and then back to classes, while she half heartedly attended classes, waiting for lunch break to start.

Or at least that's how she thought her day would go about. But to everyone's luck, the teacher of second hour was absent to class. The students had free hour for the day.

Jennie immediately thought of the room she had seen earlier a few days ago, the one with old instruments and dusty tables.

She wasted no time and left the class, her friends who were busy with their daily duties in library, gym and the computer room left. Leah on the other hand, decided to spend some time with her boyfriend.

It was the perfect time to check out that place and explore a bit. She let her mind recall the route to the room and let her feet carry her there.

In a few minutes, she stood in front of the door, which most people thought was boring and useless.

She pushed the handle and set a foot inside, a dusty whiff of air hitting her nose and the scent of old wood accompanying it.

She covered her nose for a short while to avoid sneezing and raising more dust off the surface.

She walked towards the window that let out only a small amount of light to enter, the rest covered by the heavy deep blue curtains with a marble design of a deeper blue and silver, which had also let a lot of dust sit on it.

She gently pushed the curtains away, letting the light in from outside. She turned towards the front of the classroom and gently traced the old instruments, blanketed by a few faded rag clothes to protect them.

Her fingertips picked up a layer of dirt on her skin as she glid them on the surface, but her mind gave no damn and just enjoyed the feeling of touching the fabric ever so lightly.

Once, she stopped at the piano, which did not look very dusty. It had only a light hint of untidiness, it's keys looked recently cleaned. Nonetheless, the rest of body of the piano had accumulated fine particles over it.

She traced a line on it, making a thin clean spot as her finger left every inch of the flat thing. She walked around it one time and sat down in front of it, preparing to play something on it.

She had only played piano a few years ago, a piece that she had made herself for her only relative, her mother.

Muscle memory in her fingers awoke, wasting no time in remembering the next notes, but playing it spontaneously. She was impressed by how much she remembered, despite not practicing for several months.

"Where did you learn that piece?" A voice echoed, startling her greatly.
"Oh! Great heavens, you scared the life out of me!" She turned to see, her very own dreamboy sitting at the back of the small room in a chair, his hands crossed and knees far apart from each other.

"What are you doing here though?" She asked, hoping she wasn't awkward.

"Nothing, this is where I hang out alone, you are the one invading Taehyung's personal room" he said cockily.

"Sure sir, I'm sorry for trespassing your property," she pretended to bow playfully.

"You are forgiven, now you may leave" he pointed one finger up, playing along.

Jennie who took it seriously, got up from her seat.

"Hey, i was just kidding, sit down. I don't mind you being here" his tone relaxed. She smiled and sat back down.

"So, Kim. I have a favour to ask, if you would help me," Tae closed his eyes and threw his head back, his hands spread on the back rest of the bench he sat on.

Jennie's heart, raced faster, as she sat in the edge of the chair, waiting to hear from him.

Please vote and support me! Comment if you like the story so far!! Love you guys and thanks for the votes on earlier chaps! It really motivates me to update more and often. Tysm 💗
(Grammar edited)

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