72 6 2

"Please don't make me do it again, this one is hard plus I don't wanna be named as 'the girl who's always giving me looks' alright" Jennie spoke into her phone and sent the voice message to the group chat.

Pierre: it was so fun, why not?!

Leah: if you don't wanna just let it be, we were just kidding

Naya: what, I was very serious about another time? 👀

Pierre: yeah wtf 😒

I wouldn't recc it to myself: jennie

Pierre: fine wtv

She tossed her phone to the side and went back to her unfinished assignments.

She fiddled with her pen as she tried to calculate an answer in her mind.
"Okay, and... 69 minus 62... Yup, seven. There's the answer," she scribbled the numbers rapidly on a loose paper leaflet that she kept aside to write some rough work.

She stared at the answer for a while that she had underlined.

Few seconds later, she began to doodle around the number with hearts and stars and some random lines.

It had started to look cute, so she grabbed some color pens and filled in empty shapes. She continued till it looked like a comical scene of the number 7 in a cutesy romantic background.

Breaking the silence, Jennie's phone vibrated. She wasted no time and dived into her bed and picked up her phone.

It said "Bed Time Routine Alarm". She checked the time on her clock for confirmation and got out of her bed quickly.

After she was done, she tucked herself into her bed and switched off the lights, slowly feeling more and more comfortable in her bed.

She closed her eyes trying to put herself to sleep.

"Jessica?" "Julie?" "Can you pass me that bottle?" "Fix yourself" "Are you planning to kill me?

Taehyung's voice echoed in her ears, recalling the memories she had of him.

"I would kill you if I could Taehyung, AAAHHHHH!!" She hugged a pillow and wriggled under her blanket, kicking her feet and burying her face and screaming into the pillow.

"...maybe kiss you after, bring you back to life if i could," she spoke again in a low tone.

"But how is he so handsome and cute?!" She repeated her torture towards her blanket and pillows in excitement.

"Fuck, should I text him? From my fake account?" Her mind was cooking new plans to get close to Tae and work out her best that she could do.

"This will be taken care of, not today, but one day," Jennie finally paused her planning session and fell drifted to slumber.


Ruby: hey Tae! 😊

Tae: do iku

Ruby: not yet, think of me as one of your fangirls

Tae: well then ur the only 1

Ruby: if so, then sure :)

Tae: wt brings u to me... Ur name?

Ruby: you can call me ruby, nickname of mine

Tae: oh cool. So?

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