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It was happening. Him on top of her, whispering things she understood partially, under the moonlight, gentle yet so agressive.

Jennie's eyes were fixated and focusing on his eyes, his lips, his expression and only a few inches of their bodies touching though they were so close to each other.

She had no knowledge of how she ended up here, Taehyung's eyes made her forget it all. Her surroundings became darker and darker each passing moment, the only thing she could see was Tae and his deep honey brown eyes.

Not sure how his eyes glowed in the pitch darkness, but it was all she could see or think of. Time had stopped for her.

When she tried to look around her, she couldn't. It was as if her shoulders tighten, and her joints frozen. She felt like she wasn't in control with her own body.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had brought himself closer to her torso, lowered himself on her. The only barrier between them being clothes. He rested himself on his elbow, slowly and swiftly intertwined his fingers with hers.

Coming closer to her face, he could now smell her scent better, a sweet smell which would make him go crazy within seconds.

"Be my..." He stopped.

The gap between their lips closed, connecting the two with a soft embrace of warmth.

I kissed today.

Is what Jennie could think after they had parted.

She couldn't open her eyes to look at him again. Her eyes wouldn't open, her eyelids wouldn't seperate.

After a great strain to her eyes, she could finally see. But where was Taehyung?

"Taehyung? Where are you? Tae?" She called out softly, hoping her mother couldn't hear her.

Her eyes scanned her room briefly to be sure that she hadn't missed anything. She still thought Tae was somewhere around here.

"But he was right here, a minute ago.."
She called his name one more time.

Knowing nothing of what to do, she took her phone. The screen lit up and displayed 2:47 am. Her sleep clock showed heavy breathing and occurence of intense dreams in the past 30 minutes.

"Was I dreaming all this while?!" She put a palm on her forehead, shocked. She still couldn't take it in that she was only dreaming.

"The kiss... It felt real... I swear i remember kissing him and holding his hand, him on me... It can't- It can't be..." It was a hard pill to swallow for her. The dream felt too real to not be true.

If she hadn't woken up now, she might've thought it all actually happened and that Tae left her room late at night after she fell asleep.

"Fuck, that kiss felt so real, it really made my everything heat up and now I'm sweating crazy. I need to rest,"

With that, the young female, fell back asleep, tired from the breath shortening dream.


Today, was Saturday, meaning no classes. Saturdays meant all study day to Jennie. She did not have much to do except for making bracelets and charms in her free time, when she wasn't studying.

Though she immensely loved the idea of studying and becoming smarter, her idea of Taehyung being with her was beginning to take over it.

"He really scared me yesterday... His eyes were glowing so- it looked so fucking real... How could it be even-" she spoke to herself in a low tone. She flipped on the bed, sleeping on her belly, her chin resting on the back of her hand.

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