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"war" was a word I hated to hear,
"War" was a scene I dared not to imagine.
How does someone who needs to be protected choose to protect?
How does someone who hates war partake in it's engagement?
... and  how does someone who fears her death take the life of another?

People don't just decide their careers overnight; usually, careers start off as dreams... dreams with a little touch of hard work and patience to create a health-wealthy reality.

I've always dreamt of becoming an artist or a zoologist as the case may be; my love for natural art and animals made both ambitions comfortable for me.

           I am Willow; a twenty-three year old artist with an audacity to join the Nigerian army.

"Victory is from God alone"- our military motto sure displays in my life. I am victorious!

A-lot of questions have been raised;

"why would she decide to spend a great deal of time away from her loved ones?
Wasn't Willow lectured on the dangers that come with being a soldier?" The nosey neighbors questioned my parents.

-but no answers!

Most people wondered how I got fed with so much guts,
My parents questioned my unthoughtful decision to join the army,
While I questioned what my existence without the army would have been like.

         I was a shy person,
A very shy person with no say.
I danced to the tunes of whoever ordered me,
My utterances were always defeated.
My shyness and lack of bold defense mechanisms was probably the reason I got bullied by everyone.

Every Dick and Harry aspired to step on my toes because they knew they'd get away with whatever the outcome may be.

Joining the army was one of the best things to have ever happened to me. My recruitment into the army felt like my get-away from fear.

Lol, show me a woman who is strong; and I'll show you a woman who's in the army!

And yes,

I slept... woke up... and just decided to join the army;
Who does that? I know right!

Joining the army was never in my to-do list and so was getting bullied!

Something in me had always wanted to fight,
Something in me had always wanted to be free,
Something in me wanted to protect!

I have sacrificed a-lot for the army,
I have done a-lot for my country:- the second and third degree burns, broken bones and heart, paralysis and of course post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) seemed to have been my reward... but believe me when I say I prefer all these pain to sitting behind a board with a brush on my right hand and a paint plate on my left.

          The first thing I did the moment I got recruited was to get a tattoo of a burning arrow on my left wrist- just for identification- just In case something happened to me... I needed my family to find me easily.

The military concept didn't come to me by accident.
I am honestly still considering joining the army in reality; but for now, the closest I can be to that dream is through this book.
I mean- let me imagine it before I get to live it.

This is a fictional book, I'm excited; funny thing is; to an extent, Willow happens to share the same character as me...I love to have personal connections with my characters.
I hope you all get connected to the extent I'm hoping y'all would.
Thanks, love you all. Please don't forget to like, vote, follow and comment on my book. Thanks.

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