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You have no idea what anyone would do to be free,
Survival runs through our veins; therefore,we'll run from whatever seems like a threat!
"Warriors don't wear heels and pretty faces"; We've got to brace up!

There's no manual on how freedom should be acquired,
...therefore, we'll sort for it in the manner we can.

The picture frame of our Nation has been hung wrongly,
The people might hate to revolt... but who broke the temper jar of the so called hopeless?
The youths have ripped buttons off their shirts, REVENGE is how the powerful will feel their wrath.

"Bravo five, bravo five- do you copy?" My walkie talkie spoke from my chest.

" copy.
Right is clear,
Left is clear,
I am covering south- copy" I responded to whoever that was.

It was 1:00pm already, The clouds had become dark and in a little while... it began to drizzle.

... it's been four hours, please don't tell me the poor mass awaits an immediate response. The government, obviously wasn't ready for her people.

The whole exercise had become boring and overly extra, and none of us were allowed/advised to go awol, so being the soldiers that we were; we devised our personal means of fun.

The Alpha team/vape kings smoked at the slightest glimpse of freedom- they were known for it. They covered up  the entrance of the protest. Their minds were still hyper active, they claimed smoking never brought the worse of any of them; in fact, they seemed more skilled when they were on "cloud 9" as their Alpha normally said.

Team Charlie/Holy bottles believed that smokers went to hell while alcoholics stood a better chance of touching God's garment; the origin of their misconception, I think, was when Jesus turned water to wine..."He would have turned water to 5alive or Maltina, why wine?" Defended Kendrick at every instance.
They covered up the entire area from a higher platform than the rest of us. They were our eyes on the field!

Teams Tango and Zulu/ Two to tango- they've always preferred themselves merged for assignments rather than being alone.
Most-times I wished I belonged to either of the teams, they were everything good and everything bad; their motto is "why go soft when you can go hard?". They were unapologetically good at what they did. They belonged to the bomb squad and first aid unit. They leached around the chopper, each of them with either a can of beer or a stick of cigarette...waiting to be beaconed on.

Team Bravo/The Militants- We brought hell to whoever wanted it on Earth. We were dangerous snipers- we couldn't dare miss a shot even in our sleep. My team members were having cool conversations and making cruel jokes behind the van, Ibrahim and Tobi where there too, living up their sanguine personifications.
I stayed far North from them, sitting behind a tree;
I stretched out my left arm into the sky as I tried making a sketch of my tattooed wrist behind the teary dark clouds ( I took my tiny sketch pad everywhere, both in and out of the wire).

We were kind of normal in team Bravo, I mean- except from our regular Saturday fun nights when Tobi brought us liquor, the kind that was drunk by the rich people of the Titanic. We were never to be caught un-fresh!

Or, maybe not today.

"Jesus" I screamed in immediate response to the explosion as I caught my knees. I totally forgot I had a gun.

Say NO to drugs!
My best part of this chapter is the ending, there; Willow was totally human, she acted more like a civilian instead of a soldier. Lol.
What kind of a soldier reaches for her knees instead of a gun? Willow I guess.😂

I wouldn't like to keep y'all in so much anticipation for chapter 8, so see y'all there.

Thanks once more for reading my book. Don't forget to follow, vote and comment on my book.

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