7 2 0

I saw a-lot of people dressed in military uniforms; they had guns, machetes and bombs; they came in with a-lot of vans.
Everything they owned was similar to ours; just that, they weren't with us. They pulled up in that war aura I hated to see.

I can't say we're completely done for; but what do you call an army whose base of field fire has just been bombed to the ground?

That's right...
You call them Dead!

The protesters were dropping dead to the ground... and so were the soldiers.
Our mimics were slaughtering the civilians and decapitating the soldiers.

It was evident at this point that Team Charlie- our field eyes have been completely cleared out, or there was no way this would have happened.

We were clearly outnumbered,
This protest has been jeopardized!
Who sent these guys? And who's side were they on?

"Remain here, lay flat and don't move away from this wall until it's all over" I told a protester who seemed to have been bleeding from his left thigh.

I knew little about first aid- I only knew how to reduce bleeding and treat minor burns. I took out my red bandana from my left pocket and tied it against his wounded leg before fleeing.

The status of the protest was clearly chaotic.

"Bravo seven, Bravo two- do you copy?" I screamed into my walkie talkie as I ran with my knees bent.

"Yes, copy" responded bravo seven
"Roger you" responded bravo two
"We meet at East" I quickly said.

My friends were okay!
We met at East to make rescue plans,
Ibrahim and I took cover for Tobi while he ran to rescue the protesters on sight.

We rescued twenty-five people and sent them off in our military van and chopper, while we waited for backups and more vehicles for dismissal.

I took down nine men, Ibrahim took down two- it wasn't a competition, but I was sure gonna make fun of him after all these was over.

Later on, the three of us took cover behind a wall shield to reload our guns; just then, we heard the big voice from our walkie talkies-

"All teams, retreat! Over"

But how could we?
How could I?

Still, maybe orders are orders.

"Let's bounce" said Tobi as he pulled me by my wrist.
We took cover for each other as we individually ran swiftly to cover long distances before falling flat to the ground to take cover for another.

This thread went long for another ten minutes, not until I saw a girl my age gasping for air beside a burnt vehicle. I took to my right instantly- straight towards her, I could hear the guys cursing me from afar,

"Retreat" reminded Tobi.

I dropped to my knees, lifted her head and placed it on my thighs.

I gave her a calm reassuring smile, she didn't deserve to feel more scared than she already was.

She was shot three times, twice in her chest, and once in her stomach.

Only God could rescue her!

"You'll be fine, lady" I said as I placed my palms above her though I could stop her from bleeding.

"Don't lie to me" she laughed and coughed,

" look into my eyes sergeant... am I making it out?" She asked in tears.

I wiggled my head side to side as I sat her up  and brought her closer to my chest to aid her comfort.

"No!, no you're not making it out of here; I am sorry I can't save you" I said still struggling to stop her from bleeding.

"I love the sunset, it's a beautiful thing to witness" she said before choking to death on her blood.

What other world could be as dark as the one I am in right now? I could still hear the guys calling onto me from a distance but I chose to ignore.
"Can someone shoot me already?" I said to myself

"Only those who killed with a gun deserved to die by the gun, it should have been me" I thought to myself as I stationed back to the boys.

Have you ever seen someone die?
Well, I have. I totally understand the kind of thoughts that may have been running through Willow's mind; I understand how and why she may have gotten emotional to the extent of surfacing herself in the midst of bullet exchange.
Like I wrote earlier, the character- Willow, shares a little identity with the writer... I mean, how else can one connect?
"What other world could be as dark as the one I am in right now?"
I know you have no answers, but neither do I.

Thanks for reading my book, don't forget to follow, vote and comment on my book. Thanks.
My schedules are a bit tight, so please, take a dozen of chill pills while you await chapter 9, I just hope it doesn't take me forever to publish as y'all might continue to take those pills till God knows when😂❤️

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