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The cruel thing about betrayal is that it's blades are the sharpest of all weapons; it is wielded not by your enemies but by your friends- which is why it's easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

Am not really sure why- but, do you stop loving someone just because they betrayed you? I don't think it's as easy as it's said. That is what makes this betrayal hurt so much; the pain, anger, pity, regrets... Tobi is still my friend, and maybe; just maybe, there's a reason for his switch.

"Stabbed in the back?" Asked Tolani, interrupting me from the mild trance I was in.

"I know how to catch killers, but not a killer friend" I said to Mercy, Tolani and some other guys I felt were perfect for this venture.
"And that is why I pleadingly summoned over twenty of you here... I need your help in catching my killer friend.

"Your killer friend? We've got all the proof we need, I doubt they'll be any need for an undercover mission or serious planning strategies. I think all we basically need to do is report and submit all the evidence you've provided to the authorities" objected Louis

" 'Authorities' you say, why is it so hard to digest the fact that General Commander Nnamani Richardson is the only authority? Every other authority bows to his orders for crying out loud. Let this sink into that thick empty skull of yours" Mercy said repulsively as she stood to her feet... ready for a confrontation.

"Spit that frag out of that den you call a mouth one more time and watch what happens" said Louis as he stood to face Mercy.

"Comrades" I yelled, standing in between Louis and Mercy with my arms stretched horizontally.
" we're allowed to have different opinions/ views. We don't need to argue or fight about it" I said, raising my brows to both Louis and Mercy.
"The aim of this gathering is to share collective and productive thoughts/ideas. I don't know if you all remember, but a war has been staged for a month's time, a lot of people are gonna die in it- not that you should care... but I am to be killed too.

We're going to build a defense of reinforced strategized response to this confrontation. We ought to undergo a series of hardcore trainings outside our regular one, it isn't gonna be like the normal drills we're used to; for what we are about to encounter is beyond parades and morale chants.
I am blind, and therefore cannot lead a group of blind people; but with teamwork, we'll return with our enemies as slaves and their properties as ours.

An arrow to my chest...A bullet to my head.
Could have never imagined being the target of a friend.
Everything I ignored should have been the focus; I can't take back the hands of the clock, but I sure can reduce the destruction set for the future" I said walking in between the sergeants with both my hands crossed behind me.

"We are to prepare for war; even better since we know everything there is to know about it!" I said

"Motto" I yelled

"Victory is from God alone" they responded

"I can't hear you, motto" I yelled even louder

"Victory is from God alone" they screamed and stamped their feet in rage that was soon to be felt in two weeks.

The meeting dismissed in 2hours, it didn't go as planned since I expected more violence and chaos; in fact, I came along with a first aid kit just incase there was any need to treat knife cuts or punch bruises... but to my surprise it turned out more productive than expected, they were more cooperative than visioned.

We shared strategic thoughts, scheduled days for our secret trainings and made contacts with outsiders considering an irrational supply of destructive weapons.
We had/needed no leader since we all in our individualities were serious minded and selfishly driven by revenge and the art of doing the right thing.

Tobi, on the other hand is my guy who probably knows by now that he's no longer my guy. We still talk, but the Obviosity that something is wrong couldn't be ignored by either of us- let's just say, we only spoke for talking sake. Just like I am making plans and scheduling training dates... am sure he's doing the same!

Raising an army outside THE ARMY is so insane.
How is that gonna work without them being caught? Without Tobi suspecting? And without getting anyone hurt?

The most important thing- I think is the fact that they're all on the same page.
Please don't forget to vote, follow, read and comment on my book. Thanks guys❤️

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