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Samrat's eyes are closed, and he is listening to his man, whom he had asked to find out about the girl from the mall.

"Sir, I myself have gone there not once, but about 50 times. You can see for yourself that whatever image I have taken from there throughout the day is false because I have tried to find CCTV footage at the location you mentioned. I have sent you whatever videos I found. If you can see that girl in any of these, please let me know so that I can find her."

Samrat is also not able to understand anything because he has also seen all the pictures and footage from last night, but he is not able to see that girl anywhere, which is shocking him a lot. Samrat has seen everything very well, so he tells that man.

"I think all the footage has been removed because this girl is not an ordinary girl; she belongs to a big, reputed family. Often, we also do not allow our footage to be in the media or anywhere easily because it often becomes harmful for us."

"Sir, you are absolutely right. I also think the same, but now how will we find that girl?"

“I will find a way out of that too, but I will definitely find that girl.”

As soon as Samrat hangs up the phone, he stands near the window, and the cool breeze coming from there forces him to smile because he is feeling the girl's fragrance again and again within himself, and at the same time, he is also feeling the touch of a girl when she holds his wrist. Strangely, he is getting lost in his thoughts again and again.

“You are trying to hide from me, butterfly, but no matter what happens, I will find you.”

Just then the door of his room opens, and he immediately turns around, looks back, and immediately moves towards the front, touches the feet of his grandfather Devnarayan, and takes his blessings.

"I have been waiting for you since last night."

"And I too have been waiting for you in the mansion since last night, thinking that you had come here only last night, but after coming here, I came to know that you had come here not last night but the day before yesterday itself. Nothing was said to me about your arrival; can I know the reason behind this?"

Samrat neither likes to tell any kind of lie to his grandfather nor does he ever shy away from saying anything of his own to him, as he is a very straight-forward person. He tells him this while sitting in front of his grandfather with his eyes bowed.

"I had come to Sumer Nagar the night before yesterday, so I had thought that I would go to the mansion only, but I did not feel like coming there, so I returned to the hotel, and when I came to the mansion, I saw my mother's garden there, so after that, I was not in a position to call you and inform you of my arrival, and when I felt that I should inform you, I did so.”

Devnarayan starts looking at his grandson's face very well. He is seeing Samrat this time after a long time, maybe after a year; otherwise, he often likes to go to him if he does not come to Sumer Nagar, no matter where he is. But this time, due to his continued ill health, he could not go to meet him, and Samrat was also so busy with his work that he could not come there.

Samrat knows very well that his grandfather loves him very much, and because of his love, he often comes here for him, but the memories of his mother do not leave him at all. He holds his grandfather's hand, greets him lovingly, and says,.

"It's not that I don't want to come to the mansion; I know that you have not allowed anyone to touch my fifth floor and like to keep it very well, like my mother had built that fifth floor for me; it is exactly like today. It is also the same as the one she left for me; only after coming there, I miss my mother a lot, which is why I don't come."

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