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Purva is very relieved after listening to Samrat, but she knows that it is not right to agree with him until he knows everything about Sparsh. Samrat does not know anything about Sparsh yet, and she knows that neither he is wrong nor is her fear wrong. But while she is thinking about her husband's words, she is also seeing a golden future for Sparsh with Samrat, whose dreams she is seeing again and again and is also being forced to break. She closes her eyes tightly, holding Samrat's hand, then brings him back to the sofa and makes him sit next to her.

"No matter how normal Sparsh seems to you, she is not normal, and you will not understand this because, until you understand this, you will not be able to understand what the problem is.

"She is special; she is absolutely normal. It will be better if you do not say such things about her."

Upon hearing Purva's words, Adhiraj's loud voice echoes, prompting Purva to turn her gaze towards him. Adhiraj never likes anyone to make any kind of comment about Sparsh, even if it is made by her biological parents. Purva takes a deep breath, looks at Adhiraj, and then angrily tells him.

"If you cannot accept the truth, then don't try to make me a liar. You love your daughter, but that doesn't mean you completely ignore the fact that Sparsh has a problem for which we have been searching for a cure for years."

Adhiraj closes his eyes after listening to Purva because he doesn't want to have any kind of argument with her, but he doesn't like her words at all. Adhidev, who also disagrees with Purva's words, tries to speak up, but Aarti silences him by placing her hands on his, stating that it's crucial for Samrat and Purva to communicate.

"We can discuss this matter on a different day, as it's critical for Samrat to understand everything at this point. It would be more beneficial if we all remained silent and assisted Samrat in understanding everything, as there's no need to waste time."

Samrat is sitting very quietly and listening to everyone's conversation very carefully. Adhrith's gaze is solely focused on Samrat due to his own confusion about various issues, particularly the behavior Sparsh has displayed, which is deeply concerning to him. Purva directs her gaze towards Samrat and utters these words.

“I had tensions in my first pregnancy, as it has always happened in our house, the first child is a twin, but I lost them in an accident. After that, even after trying a lot, I did not get pregnant. And in the meantime, a big accident happened with us, and in that accident, I was hit by bullets that were on my back and stomach, and at that time, I did not even realize that I was pregnant. Due to that accident, I went into a coma, and the doctor came to know that I was pregnant and twins were in my stomach. The situation was such that the decision to terminate the pregnancy could not be taken, and everything was very problematic. A lot of blood had already been lost. The pregnancy had to be taken at risk to remove the bullet from the back. Many things happened back-to-back. Due to going into a coma, I was given medicines at very high doses, but there was no danger to my pregnancy. At the time of delivery, we came to know that it was not twins but triplets because Sparsh was hiding behind both her brothers and never dictated in the sonography.”

On hearing the last words, Samrat smiles very lightly because Purva was smiling lightly while telling him everything. Everyone's eyes are only on Samrat, because he is listening to everything very carefully. Once Purva finishes speaking, she becomes extremely emotional, prompting Adhiraj to continue.

"We were very happy, thinking that all three children were safe and sound, but sometimes certain things used to bother us a lot. Sparsh used to cry a lot sometimes, and we couldn't understand it. The doctor also didn't pay much attention to it because small children are stubborn, but with her age, things started changing slowly. Sometimes we try to make her understand something that she doesn't understand at all. However, we initially believed that her age might be a barrier to her understanding. However, one day, a fire broke out in the house, prompting everyone to rush outside for their own safety. Surprisingly, Sparsh was delighted to see the flames. She wanted to go near it, whereas a 3- to 4-year-old child understands that it is not right to go near a fire and burn yourself. From there, our trouble started, and we started taking it seriously. Slowly, we came to know that Sparsh might have some problems because of the problem during pregnancy, and even the doctor didn't have the complete answer as to what type of damage happened to her mind if it happened during the operation. Could it be due to medications or some other factor?

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