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Samrat is feeling very good about seeing the greenery here. He is feeling very relaxed after seeing all this. He is moving forward slowly and quietly because this greenery is pulling him towards it. His face is filled with a smile, and as he walks and scrutinizes everything more closely, his smile grows even wider. He notices a woman sitting in front of him, and after scrutinizing her closely, he realizes that it's Padmini. To confirm his suspicion, he quickly approaches her. Suddenly, Padmini turns back and looks at him, smiling. When he sees her, he smiles even more, runs fast towards her, and hugs her.

"Mom…. I miss you so much."

"I never miss you because I keep looking at you all the time. When you are happy, I am happy. When you are sad, I am sad. Why are you so worried? I am not pleased at all to see you worried."

When Samrat sees her, he tightly grasps her hands and presses them to his cheeks, giving the impression that she is actually in front of him. He smiles a lot and immediately hugs her again. Padmini says this with a smile on her face as she embraces him.

"I know you are very upset. Bring your head to my lap and tell me why you're upset when the solution is obvious.”

Samrat does not pay attention to anything; he just quickly looks at her and lies down in her lap. He has closed his eyes, and the movement of his mother's fingers in his hair fills him with a comfort he cannot express in words. He looks at Padmini smilingly and says to her.

"Why did you leave me? You know how much I love you; then why did you leave me?"

"Everyone's departure is certain; my departure was also certain, so I left, and I know very well that my Samrat is very brave and can do everything."

After placing Samrat in her lap, he has become like a child. He is just lying quietly with his head on her lap. Looking at him, Padmini smiles, caresses his hair, kisses his forehead, and speaks to him.

"If you like her, then what has suddenly changed?"

I have developed an affection for her; it is possible that I have begun to love her more than I like her. However, I will be unable to manage her for the remainder of my life solely on the basis of love and admiration. I know that maybe my love has not changed even after knowing everything, but the problem here is that I don't know if she understands my love, if she understands my feelings, or if she feels the same feelings for me that I feel for her. Until now, whenever we were close, what did she feel or not feel? I am now unable to understand. I opened my heart to her, but she never said anything. I am trying diligently to understand everything, but I am unable to understand anything. Grandfather has expressed his desire to crown me as soon as possible, but in such a situation, how will our future queen manage if she is mentally not perfect or anything? I really don't understand a lot of things."

Samrat spoke all his thoughts at once, and when he turned his gaze to Padmini, she was simply staring at him in silence. Samrat started looking at her silently, but even then Padmini did not say anything, due to which he got upset and, holding her hand, said something to her.

"Mom, I am very upset. I am not able to understand anything."

"If you are unable to understand why you like someone and how important he is in your life, the first question you should ask yourself is whether you love her or not."

Samrat is forced to think about himself after Padmini suddenly asks such a question. Looking at Samrat, Padmini immediately utters these words:

"If love is true, then nothing matters. If she does not understand your love, then consider her your love. If she is not able to understand your feelings, then present your feelings in such a way that she is forced to understand them. You do not know anything about her yet. Did you feel even once that she did not like you? Did you feel even once that she was really mad?

"Mom, do not call her mad. I never felt, even once, that she was mad or anything. Yes, there may be some problems, but she is not mad at all. I really want to know everything, but somewhere I am afraid. For the first time, what if I am not able to understand her problem?"

Padmini smiles lightly and holds her son's face very nicely in her hands.

"Find the answers to your questions yourself. Samrat, it's not as complicated as you've made it seem. Is there any problem with it? Do you know what the problem is, and why? When you don't know, then how can you make any judgment? First of all, start understanding things. It's not appropriate to make hasty decisions all the time. Give yourself some time. You also understand that this is the first time you have developed a deep affection for someone, and once you have, it shouldn't matter how she is. And if it matters to you that the other person is struggling with some problem and you have a problem with her problem, then the first question that comes up is about your love... Is your love true for her?

"I am not able to understand anything. I only know that I can't forget her, nor am I attempting to do so, as the more I consider the possibility that our relationship may not work out, the more I believe that she was created specifically for me and that I should embrace her. There are many things going on inside of me, but I am completely ignoring them by repeatedly fighting with myself, which has left me feeling very confused."

Padmini smiles and tells Samrat.

"Well-rested, you don't need anything else. You will know what to do and not do when you wake up.”

Samrat just closes his eyes because he also wants to sleep very well because, due to a lot of trouble, he was not able to sleep even if he wanted to, and with the comfort he got in his mother's lap at this time, he is sure that he will fall asleep. He closes his eyes and holds his mother's saree very tightly so that she does not leave him.

Samrat senses a call, so he tries to open his eyes and sees the palace maid in front of him. However, because he is extremely sleepy, he wants to close his eyes again and go back to sleep. The maid immediately interrupts him.

"Bhaiya, you have not eaten anything since coming in the afternoon; now that it is still 11 at night, eat something."

On hearing her, Samrat immediately looks at the watch on his hand, and he is very well aware that the maid is not saying anything wrong. He looks at his mother's picture with a jerk, who is smiling and making him realize that whatever he saw in the dream was not a dream but reality. He smiles lightly and turns to face his mother. Upon realizing that the maid is also present, he gestures for her to leave. Before he can stand up and talk to his mother, his phone starts ringing. The call comes from the hotel manager, and Samrat immediately answers it, feeling anxious about Shamsher.


"Sir, I thought it was appropriate to inform you alone, but Miss Singhania is actually here."


Samrat is not sure what the manager is saying—is he talking about Miss Singhania or any other Singhania?—because his entire attention was on Sparsh, and before he could ask him anything, he heard someone else's voice instead of the manager's.

"I am here to meet you, Samrat."

Samrat's eyes get very big; he can never forget this voice, even if he wants to, which causes his heart to start beating quickly.


"I miss you..."

Samrat's breathing starts going up and down a lot, and he immediately goes out fast because it is important for him to reach the hotel as soon as possible. Sparsh has arrived at the hotel directly, and he is eager to find out who is with her and who is not, so he comfortably informs Sparsh.

"Sparsh, I'm coming there to quickly call the manager; I need to talk about something important."

Sparsh understands his words very easily and hands the phone to the manager. The manager quietly takes the phone and talks to Samrat.

“Yes sir…."

Who else is with Madam?

"Sir, Madam arrived alone, without any luggage, and immediately inquired about you. I actually didn't understand anything because Madam was alone and was asking about you, and you have a family relationship too. That's why I called you immediately."

Samrat has sat in his car, and hearing this, his heartbeat has increased even more. Sparsh is alone here, due to which he drives fast and gives instructions to the manager.

"Take Madam to my room immediately, and no one should have any idea that she is here, whether Mr. Rajvansh asks or my grandfather."

"Sure sir… Madam, please, I will drop you off at sir's room."

"No, I have to wait for him here; I have to talk to him."

Samrat can hear her voice very well, so he immediately shouts and tells the manager.

"Manager, let her talk to me."

"Yes sir…."

The manager immediately hands the phone to Sparsh. Sparsh answers the phone with a smile.


"Sparsh, I'm not sure how you got here, but if Mr. Rajvansh or Grandpa sees you, he will immediately call your house. This could cause some issues for you, as I'm not sure how you got here. I want to talk to you, but first you go to my room."


Samrat is relieved when Sparsh understands his point so easily. He immediately hangs up and increases his speed to reach the hotel as soon as possible. Soon after reaching the hotel, he comes directly to his room through the private elevator. As soon as the door opens, Sparsh is really in front of him. When Sparsh notices that her heartbeat has increased significantly, she smiles at him, runs over, and embraces him. Samrat also feels very relaxed being hugged by her. He holds her tightly and starts feeling her. He immediately holds her face and kisses her whole face. After looking at her face properly, he takes a sigh of relief and then says to her.

“Sparsh I don’t know what is true and what is false. I only know that I love you very much, and I want to keep you in my life forever.”

Sparsh was just looking at him, and smilingly, she placed her hand on his chest, which Samrat noticed very well and then looked at her. She was merely gazing at his chest, a faint smile on her face. Samrat said this to her while moving her hair back.

"Sparsh…. Are you understanding me...."

Sparsh immediately looked at him and smiled even more.

"Your heartbeats were calling me very loudly, you were worried, very tense, and I was not able to understand what to do. Then, when I could not understand anything, I came to you, and now, see, your heartbeats and my heartbeats are beating together.”

After hearing Sparsh's words, Samrat couldn't help but smile, embracing her firmly once more, escorting her inside, and taking a seat on the sofa before her. There are many things that Samrat wants to know, especially this thing that if Sparsh is not normal, then how did Sparsh manage the journey from Mumbai to Sumer Nagar, as well as whether Sparsh also feels the same for him as he feels, and there are many other things whose answers he needs very soon, he says while sitting in front of her.

"Sparsh, does anyone know how you came here?"

“I am hungry; I haven’t eaten anything for a long time.”

When Sparsh innocently tells him this, he can't help but kiss her forehead and immediately order food for themselves. The sight of Sparsh in front of him triggers his own hunger and a desire for peaceful eating, something he hasn't done in two days. Sparsh’s eyes are only on Samrat, who is ordering food. Without delay, Sparsh grasps Samrat's hand and speaks.

"A big cup of ice cream for me too.”

Samrat looks at her, smiles lightly, and starts ordering ice cream as per her instructions.

"After eating, ask Madam for dessert and bring her preferred flavor as well.”

Sparsh looks at him with a smile, and now it's crucial for Samrat to understand how Sparsh arrived here.


Here is an update I hope you like it please let me know.

In the next chapter you will see how Sparsh reaches here.

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