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Samrat's eyes are shifting from Sparsh's brothers to Sparsh; he is extremely worried because of her, but Adhrith takes her away from him. He can see the worry on her brother's face very clearly; there is also a strange smile on his face, which he is unable to understand. Both the brothers start leaving from there; Samrat gets upset and immediately says Rudraksh.

"She behaves like someone possessed by something."

“She is not possessed; she is just not able to react at all in the way normal people can. For her, things are a little different from those of normal people. I will not be able to explain to you what the problem is with my sister. I will just tell you this much: she is very special, and God has made her very special."

Samrat is very surprised to hear this because he never had any idea that Sparsh was not normal at all. It is difficult for him to digest the fact that Sparsh is not normal like them but is special because he has been observing her very closely for a long time. She has not done anything that makes him different from others. But if her brother is saying this to him, then it must be true, and he cannot lie about what he saw today. He immediately sits down on the sofa due to a sudden and intense pain in his heart. He quickly takes out his cigarette and stands near the window to calm himself for a while, but the words spoken by Rudraksh continue to echo in his ears.


Samrat does not understand why this happened to him. He had developed a deep affection for Sparsh, but this situation is deeply troubling him. He is not able to understand anything at this time, due to which he crushes his cigarette under his feet and quickly leaves his room. The words spoken by Rudraksh echo in his ears, and everything continues to unfold before his eyes, as if he is unable to comprehend anything at all. Why could God play such a big joke with him?

He quickly comes out of his hotel and starts looking toward the jungle. He finds it impossible to understand anything at all. He slowly starts running towards the jungle, and gradually his steps become very fast. He is running very fast without thinking about anything. Shamsher quickly senses his presence and begins to run alongside him, while Samrat remains silent and continues to run at a high speed. He is not able to understand at all why he could not recognize Sparsh properly. He is remembering all the things very well, but he is unable to remember anything where he can feel that Sparsh is a special child.

Shamsher is not able to understand his master's mood at all. He is simply attempting to keep pace with his master as quickly as possible. However, having lived with a tiger since childhood, Shamsher and Samrat have always engaged in a racing competition, which has resulted in Samrat's running ability being identical to Shamsher's. Both are running together. Shamsher is very upset to see him in such trouble, and after reaching the other corner of the forest, Samrat stops very fast because there is a very wide wall ahead of him. He begins to scrutinize the wall intently, as if searching for something, but all he can see is the plain wall itself. He keeps looking at it, but he can't see anything except Sparsh's smiling face, which is fixed in his heart. He repeatedly tries to remove the face from his vision, but it seems to have settled in his eyes. He tries to look here and there, but he is not able to see anything there. He is breathing deeply. With every breath, he misses Sparsh very much. He is not able to understand anything. This is beyond his comprehension. He is going mad, thinking that Sparsh is a special child and that he likes her. He is going mad thinking about all these things because he has weaved a lot of dreams for his life; he never thought for himself. For the first time, he thought deeply about himself, but today, all his dreams have abruptly shattered, causing him immense pain.

He quickly sits on his knees and starts staring at the wall in front of him. He wants to see something through this wall, but he knows that since it is a wall, he cannot see through it. He is struggling to comprehend how to ignore the reality that confronts him. His heart is pounding rapidly, urging him to return to Sparsh immediately and embrace her. However, his mind is overwhelmed with numerous anxieties, demanding attention to his actions and his wounded heart. His breathing is rapid due to the speed at which he arrived. Upon seeing him, Shamsher becomes extremely concerned, yet he struggles to comprehend the situation or determine the appropriate course of action for Samrat. He puts his head in his lap, but Samrat immediately pushes him away. He stands in front of the wall and starts checking it by touching it properly, as if he wants to ignore the fact that there is a wall in front of him, but even with his hands, he is feeling the same thing that he was seeing. He begins to use both of his hands on the wall, but he is still unable to see through it. He starts shouting loudly about his helplessness.

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