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Samrat suddenly looks at her, and the smile on his face remains there, but immediately he holds her hand. Sparsh looks at him, but suddenly her heartbeat feels someone else's heartbeat very loudly; she is so lost in the music of the beat that she is unable to concentrate on other things. She is really enjoying the beats of Samrat on her chest. She feels as if her beats are beating even better with Samrat. She begins to smile within herself, as if she wants to focus solely on this moment, but then she hears Samrat's words.

“I am dying to hear your answer.”

Sparsh is listening to him, but she is not able to understand what he is asking her to answer. She just wants to remain silently hugging him because it is giving her a different kind of pleasure, as if she has waited for a long time for this peace that she feels in his embrace. Samrat is looking around, and he knows very well that the hustle and bustle is going to increase here gradually, so he immediately separates Sparsh from himself and, holding her hand, moves towards the woods. She didn't like it at all; she longed for another hug. Both Kuchu and Puchu start running behind them because they don't want to leave Sparsh with a stranger under any circumstances. However, this stranger doesn't seem dangerous to either of them, so despite their barking, they don't intend to harm Samrat. He also wants to have an open conversation with her, so he plans to take her with him to the jungle for a few moments, where he can properly express his heart's state.

Sparsh is quietly walking with him because of the way he is holding her in his hands in a very gentle but protective grip. It's reminding her father Prakshit that he always takes care of this thing; even by mistake, his grip didn't hurt her; she is only looking at Samrat, and there is a constant smile on her lips. The kuchu puchu who are running around her are only looking at the smile on Sparsh's face. Samrat immediately comes and stands in one place, placing her in front of him. Immediately, he grasps both of her hands and places them on his chest, ensuring they are properly placed. It appears as though he is intent on keeping those hands on his chest, so he covers them to keep them in his hands. Sparsh is only feeling his heartbeats very well, due to which a strange redness has appeared on her face, and she is looking at his chest while smiling. Seeing her reaction like this, Samrat lightly smiles, touches her cheek with his knuckle, and very softly tells her.

“I love you, Sparsh... I understand very well that this is too early, but what should I do? I feel as if I want to live my whole life with you as soon as possible. I don’t want to delay anything; I just want to include you in my life. Sparsh, this is the first time I am feeling something for anyone... I feel so crazy for you.... I love you."

Sparsh’s entire focus is on his heartbeats, which are meeting her heartbeats through her palms, due to which the smile on her face is increasing a lot. But some time ago, when he hugged her and made her feel his heartbeats even better, she was liking it even more, due to which she looked at Samrat, who was just looking at her for her answer, but Sparsh just wanted to hug him and feel his heartbeats, due to which she freed her hands and immediately hugs him, which Samrat smiley hugs her tightly because Sparsh hugging her like this is a sign of yes for him. Samrat smiles a lot and hugs her tightly, and Sparsh is smiling a lot while feeling his heartbeats very well on her skin again. She likes his heartbeats very much, and she wants to keep feeling this heartbeat continuously. Samrat smiles, caresses her back, and says to her:.

“You have no idea how happy I am... I am coming to Mumbai soon, and there I would like to talk to your family first, and only after that will I talk about this matter at my home.”

But Sparsh is continuously feeling his heartbeats by closing her eyes, which are ringing so loudly in her ears at this time that it is just forcing her to smile. This is very pleasant music that she wants to hear. Samrat immediately makes her stand in front of him, due to which she starts looking away because suddenly that feeling has been taken away from her, which she was enjoying a lot.

“I will soon include you in my life as my wife. You are the biggest achievement of my life. You are my queen.”

Sparsh is just looking at him silently because she is not able to understand what to say, and here she is hugging him again and again, but he is pushing her away. She is not liking this either, because it rarely happens that she is very comfortable with someone and that person pushes her away from himself. She moves forward to embrace him again, but at this moment, Samrat is moving his lips towards her forehead, preparing to kiss her. Sparsh is coming forward, but when he is moving towards her, she is staring at him by raising her head, and suddenly their lips collide with each other.

Even after feeling their lips collide with each other in this way, Sparsh does not move away from Samrat at all, while Samrat is feeling a strange pleasure from feeling this new touch. His eyes are on Sparsh. He knows that if Sparsh feels uncomfortable at all, he will move away from her, but here, Sparsh does not move away from him at all but starts feeling her lips on his lips. Again, happiness, hugging him because she also likes him as much as he likes her. Both their lips start touching each other, and both want to give each other's new touch completely. Samrat puts his hand on her waist and brings her closer to him, but Sparsh does not move her lips away from his lips at all; rather, when he comes closer to her, both their lips are touching each other more perfectly, and a strange wave is happening in their bodies. Samrat opens his lips slightly and starts taking her lips between his lips to capture those soft petals for their first confession of love in a beautiful way. Opening his lips in this way and taking them between his lips gives Sparsh a strange feeling, due to which she also wants to open her lips slowly. She never feels these types of feelings, and she responds by touching his lips in the same way as he is touching her.

Samrat gently rubs his lips on her lips and slowly takes her lips inside his lips. After expressing his love, he wants to seal his love in the same way, for which Sparsh is also completely ready. Samrat wants to hold her tightly in his arms and wants to feel her lips very well. As soon as she enters Samrat's arms, Sparsh immediately wraps her around his neck while standing on her toes, drawing her closer to him. As soon as Samrat takes her lips in his, she simply wants to enjoy this touch by closing her eyes, a sensation she has never experienced before or read about. There is no limit to Samrat's happiness, while Sparsh is feeling even closer to Samrat, due to which she wants to lose herself completely in Samrat's arms and forget herself in this kiss. Samrat wants to make this experience so memorable that when both of them remember it, there is always a smile on their faces. He is kissing her lips very slowly, which is keeping Sparsh very comfortable. He lightly bites Sparsh's lips with his teeth, because of which she opens her lips suddenly. Samrat looks into her eyes as he invades the tongue inside her mouth. At this time, Sparsh's eyes also get fixed on Samrat's eyes, and Samrat's tongue can touch every corner of Sparsh's mouth very well.

Sparsh is so lost in his kiss that she is just enjoying his heartbeat on her chest and her lips on his lips, and apart from this, nothing else is going on in her mind. Both Kutchu and Puchu are looking at Sparsh very carefully because the expressions they are seeing on her face at this time are very soothing for both of them. Both of them have just sat down quietly on the ground, keeping their heads on the ground; they just do not want to disturb Sparsh in any way.

Slowly, Sparsh starts panting. She feels as though she might run out of breath; she doesn't want to leave him, but this sudden shortness of breath is enough to pull her away from Samrat, prompting her to lightly tap his chest. Samrat also understands her situation very well, so he immediately leaves her lips with a smile. Both of them are breathing deeply. Samrat wants to look into her eyes by touching his forehead to hers, but she tries to control herself by closing her eyes and keeping her hand on her chest while breathing. Samrat starts looking at her with a smile on seeing her breathing like this is very pleasurable, then immediately puts his thumb on her lips, puts his hand under her chin, and turns her face towards him.

“You don't know how happy I am today.”

Samrat starts caressing her lips with his thumb very softly. Sparsh suddenly starts not liking the roughness of his thumb, due to which she looks at him closely. Samrat is very close to her, due to which she immediately moves away from him, because suddenly she feels that she does not understand the situation. Samrat does not understand anything seeing her reaction like this, but Sparsh has seen him only for a few moments, and she remembers very well that both of them kissed each other a few moments ago. She places her hand on her lips, then swiftly turns and flees from there.


Samrat does not understand her running away like this, and when Sparsh runs like this, both her dogs also run after her. Samrat wants to reach her quickly, so he also starts running after her, but Sparsh is running faster than he thought, and soon she is in the hotel garden. Samrat immediately stops himself and looks ahead. Sparsh's brothers have arrived there, due to which he immediately stops there. Both the dogs also run away from there, passing him, and Sparsh soon stops near her brothers. Her brothers look at both dogs with a smile and start looking at their sister. He does not know why Sparsh ran away suddenly, but he definitely knows that Sparsh is turning back and looking at him, and he can feel these eyes very well towards himself, due to which a smile immediately comes on his lips because while there is a desire to look at him in Sparsh's eyes, there is also a strange kind of shyness in her eyes, which is making her remove her eyes from Samrat. She is repeatedly pressing her lips between her teeth.While forcing her eyes to look at him again, she immediately lowers her gaze as if she is feeling shy, and he softly says,.

"Do you feel shy around me, my queen?”


Here is an update I hope you like it please let me know.

Sparsh exactly what are you thinking dear??? but I am feeling very sad for Samrat.

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