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Check my new book SUBSTITUTE BRIDE on stck, this is the story of bold girl who fight with every situation.

Shamsher is sitting quietly, and all the children are peeping inside from the door. Shamsher also knows very well that the children are looking at him, so he is sitting very quietly. No child has the courage to go inside and disturb the tiger, but they feel like sitting on him, checking his ears, and measuring his long tail once. As Samrat arrives, combing his wet hair with his fingers, he becomes aware of the sounds outside and turns his gaze towards the door. Then his eyes go to those children who are repeatedly peeping inside the door and then hiding. He sits near Shamsher and says this to him with a very light smile.

“I think you are going to make a lot of friends here; there are a lot of people who want to come close to you.”

Shamsher immediately glances at Samrat, prompting him to lightly caress his back, kiss his forehead, and utter some words.

"I know you like to stay alone because of me, but even if you stay with everyone, it doesn't matter to me because I will always be your first friend. You can befriend anyone because I am sure that you will never leave me.”

Samrat is sitting and talking with Shamsher. Seeing all this, the children gain a little courage, resulting in the first elder brothers (Rudraksha and Adhrith's son) coming inside, followed by four younger brothers, and then their sisters trying to see Tiger while hiding behind them. Samrat glances at them and speaks to them.

“None of you need to be afraid. Shamsher loves to make friends, and he would like to be friends with all of you.”

All the children smile, surround Shamsher, sit in a circle, and start looking at him. Shamsher is sitting in the middle of them, completely quiet, as if there is no one around. Samrat is preparing to leave for work while observing all of this. The children are whispering something in each other's ears, which he cannot hear, but he is thoroughly enjoying it all.

The children have been missing for a long time, due to which everyone started looking for them, and while searching, they came near Samrat's room. For a brief moment, all four fathers experience fear when they see their children around Shamsher, but their fear quickly dissipates when they realize that Samrat is also present. Secondly, they have seen Shamsher very well. He does not harm anyone without reason. They have understood this very well. However, they are still children, and as fathers, it is quite normal for them to experience fear. As everyone begins to enter, Aranya's daughter quickly glances at them and says,

"Dad, he is fucking so hot."

As soon as she utters these words, Sarvaksh begins to cough loudly, prompting the three brothers standing behind him to strike him on the head and give him a warning.

“How many times have I told you to make Aranya understand that she should at least control her tongue in front of the children?”

He frees himself and immediately goes to sit near the children, saying this while looking at his brothers.

"Every day, I tell her the same thing, and she promises me that today she will control her abuses and try to improve her language, but the very next moment, she says something, and I have come to understand that I cannot say anything to her, and as far as the children learning her language are concerned, I have no control over that either. Now you three decide what to do, but I agree he is fucking hot.”

As soon as he utters these words, everyone stares at him, prompting him to smile and flash his teeth. Samrat is smiling and preparing to go to the office when Sparsh arrives, who is well dressed. On seeing her, all her four brothers start looking at her very happily, but quickly arrive towards Samrat, ignoring all of them. Samrat looks at her and says to her:.

“Looking beautiful…”

Sparsh immediately smiles, and then, looking at her brothers, she immediately stands near them and says to them:.

"Today, I also changed my hairstyle, but none of you said anything about it."

“Very beautiful, sweety.”

All four brothers utter these words together, causing Shamsher to suddenly glance at them and raise his face. This sudden reaction prompts Samrat to laugh. All four brothers start looking at Shamsher, who was looking at them, due to which they also start laughing. Sparsh quietly glances at all five of them before addressing Samrat.

“Everyone must be waiting for you at breakfast.”

Samrat glances at her, peers at her brothers, and asks Sparsh with a subtle smile.

"Are you sure that everyone must be waiting for me?"

Upon hearing this, the four of them burst into laughter and began escorting the children away, while Sparsh simply stared at Samrat, perplexed by his words. Observing her bewildered state, he softly smiles, plants a kiss on her forehead, and proceeds to speak to her.

"Come on, we should have breakfast. By the way, where are you going after getting so ready?”

"I am going to the office today. Grandpa has said that I have to do everything very well, so today I have to go to the office with Adwitya."


They both arrive at the dining hall, engaged in conversation. Everyone is sitting in their place. Prakshit turns towards them as soon as he sees them approaching, and Samrat also keeps his gaze fixed on Prakshit. Prakshit is now the eldest in the house, so he is sitting on the head chair. Purva is sitting on his right side; the left side is always empty for Sparsh, where she sits immediately after coming, and Samrat sits on the seat next to her. Parkshit starts eating breakfast silently, without saying anything.

As per his habit, Prakshit immediately takes the first bite of the morsel and puts his hand in front of his daughter's mouth to feed her. At that moment, Samrat's hand also came on his hand because he had also taken a bite of the morsel and kept it in front of Sparsh's mouth to feed her. Prakshit begins to stare at him once more, while Samrat chooses to respond to his gaze by simply staring back. Sparsh, seeing the morsels in both her hands in front of her, starts looking at both of them smilingly, and then holding the wrists of both, she opens her mouth and takes both the morsels in her mouth together, due to which everyone cannot stop smiling, but even after such a good and beautiful bite, neither Prakshit stops staring at Samrat nor is Samrat taking his eyes off him. Purva, who wants to have breakfast quietly and peacefully, is watching both of them do this. She lightly moves her hair back and immediately starts moving her toe on her husband's feet, due to which Prakshit immediately starts looking at her. She is having breakfast, but her feet are on Prakshit's feet, due to which it is becoming a bit difficult for Prakshit to have breakfast, but looking at her face, Samrat is definitely smiling lightly, seeing the expressions coming on his face.

After breakfast, everyone leaves. Prakshit looks at Purva, who is quietly enjoying her breakfast, and says,

"Purva, come with me.”

Purva looks at him, and her eyes widen. Adhiraj sits quietly, hiding his smile, and immediately bursts into laughter, and Purva quietly gets up and follows Prakshit. Aarti says to see her go.

"He is going to scold her a lot.”

"Certainly not; he is not going to scold her, but he won't even let her come out of the room."

When Adhidev speaks, Suman and Aarti look at each other, and their cheeks turn red. Both brothers laugh loudly. Aarti and Suman speak loudly while getting up and leaving.



Adwitya stops the car smiling because, after working for half a day, she often likes to have lunch with Adhyant because Adhyant has strictly told her that he does not want to keep her out of his sight for long, so either he often goes to his office or sometimes, when he is unable to do so, she has to come to his office. Sparsh starts smiling as soon as she reaches there, and before Adwitya asks her to come with her, she quickly runs away from there.


Sparsh quickly presses the lift button, but the lift is taking time to come, so she goes towards the stairs without any delay. Adwitya shouts at her, seeing her going towards the stairs.

"Damn Sparsh, it's on the 20th."

"No, he's on the 23rd floor."

Aditya immediately looks at her, understanding that she is referring to Samrat. Construction is going on on the 23rd floor so that a new office can be built there. We will also store documents related to the merger there. That floor is constructed, but not completely. It still requires a significant amount of work. Despite that, Samrat has chosen to start his work there. This led to the refurbishment of a cabin and its subsequent handover to him. The rest of the work is still going on.

Sparsh is not keeping her feet stopped at all. She is continuously climbing the stairs while running. She just wants to meet Samrat, and apart from that, she doesn’t care about anything else, not at all about the fact that she is continuously climbing the stairs and has to go to the 23rd floor; she can take the lift in between if she wants, but she does not remember that she can do so, because of which she is continuously climbing the stairs and going up. Adwitya followed her until she reached the fifth floor, but it was very difficult to keep up with the speed at which she was running.

Samrat is doing his work when suddenly his phone starts ringing. Adhrith calls him.


"Lunch for everyone has arrived from home. Now that you are staying with us, you are our guest, so your lunch is also our responsibility. So you don't have to go anywhere. Come down to the 21st floor quickly, and we will all sit together and have lunch there.

"Okay, coming in a few minutes."

He immediately finishes all his work and goes out of there. As soon as the door opens, he sees Sparsh in front of him, who is panting a lot, but the smile on her face is clearly visible. As soon as she sees Samrat in front of her, she starts running towards him, smiling even more. Samrat starts moving towards her with swift steps. Sparsh smiled and hugged him immediately. Samrat also hugs her and smiles, pleased with the surprise of her being here.

"I had no idea that you were also going to come here."

She can't answer because she's out of breath from the constant stair climbing, but she smiles and says,.


Samrat opens his eyes upon hearing her voice and starts feeling the vibration of her body due to her hand. Suddenly, he thought of something and turned her towards him, holding her face as he spoke.

"You came from the stairs... Sparsh, you should have taken the lift."

"I had to come to you, and the lift was taking time to get there, so I ran to you."

Samrat begins gazing into her eyes as soon as she finishes speaking. There is a wide smile on her face. There is a lot of tiredness on her face. She is panting, but the sparkle in her eyes and the smile on her face are expressing the happiness of her coming here. No words can explain it better. Samrat hugs her again, closes his eyes, and tells her softly.

"Sparsh, please don't love me so much that I grow accustomed to your love to the point where every moment becomes challenging."

"Then we will always be together, which is a beneficial thing.... Right..."

On hearing Sparsh's answer, a smile automatically came on Samrat's face, and Adwitya came and told everything to his brothers, due to which they also came upstairs through the lift. Upon witnessing this scene, everyone else simply stood silently, gazing at the two of them with a soft smile. They are a little away, and both of them are so engrossed in each other that they are not aware of their presence.


Here is an update, I hope you like it. Please let me know.

Uff my love birds are like to be together.

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