Gut Feeling

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Wally's POV:

It didn't make sense. Not one bit. I just know that something is happening at the Manor. Rob never passes out on a free day. Never. And I keep getting weird vibes from the Manor, especially Bruce. Ugh. Even his name tastes weird in my mouth.

Wally: going to mj tmw?

I waited for a buzz.

Rob: yep :D

Wally: cool see u tmw ig

Rob: see ya! ;)

Ok, something is definitely wrong with Rob. One, he never uses so many faces when texting, and always uses proper grammar rules. Those first few texts were surprising, but I just thought he was tired. But now these? Yeah, no. That isn't my Rob.


I'm at MJ, waiting for Robin by the tubes. I really gotta talk to him. If he's in trouble, I gotta help him. I walked to the kitchen to get a snack when I then heard the tubes go off. Robin came out but Batman followed right after. I went to go say hi, but stopped. It looked like he was talking to Rob. (no one else is there at the moment except the three)

Batman: You covered EVERYTHING. Right?

He grabbed his wrist. Covered what?

Rob: Yes.

He looked down and rubbed his wrists then his neck.

Batman: And what won't you do?

Rob: Tell anyone.

Batman: Right. Now, mess up again like you did yesterday, and I won't be so nice.

He glared at Rob and I could feel his fear.

Rob: I understand.

Rob then started to walk to the kitchen. I panicked so I ran to the bathroom. I figured I should talk to Rob in private, and should act as if nothing happened. For now. I waited a minute and walked out of the bathroom. "Hey, Rob!" I grinned. He stiffened. "Oh. Hey, KF!" He smiled too, but this one felt fake. "Busy?" "Not really. Just waiting to see if the Bats has a mission for us." I stiffened too. His name almost felt... Cursed. "K. Wanna go play some games in my room? Till we gotta a mission?" He looked hesitant. "Uhm... I'm not sure. I have to ask B." "Ok, I'll come with you. I bet this lovely face can convivence him~" He laughed. I laughed too. Then I smiled and blushed a bit when I looked at him. His smile seemed genuine. He did seem to be happy for a bit. "Alright. Whatever you say, Walls." "Oh, so we're using our real names, huh, Dick?" He covered my mouth. "Dude, shut up!" I laughed again. "Sorry, man." We walked to Bruce and Rob looked like he was shaking. He was about to speak but I thought that if I talked, Bruce wouldn't so be suspicious being the detective he is. "Hey, Bats! Mind if me and Rob play some video games in my room?" I wrapped my arm around his neck and he just... squeaked? Hm. That's new. Bruce glared at Rob and he froze, wide eyed. "Please~ We'll be good!" I did my best attempt on puppy dog eyes. Bruce sighed. "Fine, whatever." I grinned. He then looked at Rob. "Just make sure you watch your mouth." Rob shook and nodded. "I will." We ran off to my room. I entered the password and yanked Rob in - by the wrist. Which was a bad idea. He winced. "Ah-" He stopped himself. He sat on my bed ready to start playing, but instead I kneeled in front of him. "Rob. We need to talk."

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