Thanks, Liz

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Author's POV:

It's been 2 days since Rob discovered that he had a long lost sister who bought him. She shared things about her life. What happened, the good and the bad. She seemed to like having someone to talk to. Dick on the other hand, was kept more to himself. It wasn't because he didn't trust her, in fact, he trusted her as soon as they met, but it was just hard to tell her everything in his life. He did share some things though. Like how billionaire Bruce Wayne is his adopted father. He left out the part that he's Batman and that he himself is Robin. He also told her about his friends, especially his best friend Wally. Gosh did he miss him. His smile, his bright red hair, his millions of freckles, his big green eyes that light up a room. Ok, sure Dick might have a little crush on him. Maybe a bigger crush, but he wouldn't be telling his sister he met a few days ago. He didn't tell anyone he's known for years. But there was one thing Dick refused to tell Liz about. That was his life at home. He didn't talk about Bruce. In fact, he hated saying his name. Dick would talk about Alfred, but never Bruce. He would always find a way to twist the conversation to a different subject besides his home life. He never mentioned the abuse. He just couldn't. "So you don't do anything with the circus, right?" It was nighttime and they were laying down, looking at the stars. "Yeah." "Do you still do things from there? I never saw you perform or anything. Were you good?" Dick nodded slightly. Almost questioning whether or not it was fine to call himself good. "I use them at school in gymnastics. I'm the best there. No one can really beat me." He chuckled. "Can you show me?" Dick sat up. "Show you?" "Yeah! There's no equipment or anything, but I'm sure you can do some flips and tricks!" Liz's eyes sparkled. Dick sighed. "Alright. Move back." Liz gave Dick the room he needed and watched in awe. He jumped and did all sorts of tricks with ease. "Haven't done that in a while." He thought to himself. Just then, he did another trick. It was backflip and then he jumped again and twisted in the air. He smiled. He and Wally made that trick up. They called in the Tornado. He really missed Wally, and Barry, and everyone who cared about him. Dick didn't even notice that he was frowning. Liz on the other hand, did. "What's got you down, Dickie?" He sighed. "I just... Miss them..." "Who?" "Wally. Barry. Alfred. Everyone." "What about Bruce?" Dick stiffened. "Y-yeah. Him too." "I don't mind that you want you to go back. I only really wanted to find you. Make sure you're fine. We can find them. I can visit you. Meet them. We can be a big happy family!" She smiled. Dick hugged her. Which shocked both. Liz never received a hug from Dick, she only ever hugged him, not the other way around. Dick, however, never initiated physical contact. Especially with those he barely knew, unless he was fighting them. But hugs and high fives? You would always need his consent. Unless you were Wally or Barry. Dick liked their hugs. "Thanks, Liz. That means a lot." "No problem. We'll get some sleep, and you can call them in the morning." "Perfect."


"Here. He's in Greece." "Greece?!" "Yeah. They took him pretty far. We got pretty luck with that chip they placed on him." "Still find it cruel for them to put trackers on their 'merchandise'. Seems inhumane." "Yeah, it is. But it helped us big time." "So we'll finally get Dick back?!" "Yeah Kiddo." "Then let's go!" "Coming!"

School's been hectic. Lots of hw and tests and other personal things in my life. Im trying to post often, but as you can see, its not that easy. Lmk for any suggestions or things I can add to the story. 

-poison <3

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