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Rob's POV:

I woke up wrapped in warm blankets and in a sun-lit room. I had a wet rag on my forehead and a glass of water beside me. Am I at Barry's house? It looked like it. I tried to get up but fell right back down. I felt weak, tired, and very lightheaded. "Ugh..." I then saw a blur appear. It was Barry. "How you holdin' up, Ricky?" "Not good." "What's wrong?" "Everything. I'm hot but cold. Tired. Weak. Nauseous. Lightheaded." I groaned again. I saw two of Barry. "Ok, well if you gotta throw up, there's a trash can right next to you. Try and get some rest, we'll take care of you." "Ok, thanks, Barry." "Of course, Kiddo." I then fell back asleep.

Wally's POV: 

"Is he ok?!" I was worried for Rob. I've never seen him get so sick so fast. "He feels like crap, but nothing life-threatening." I sighed. That was a relief. Still didn't like seeing him so sick. "What's he doing now?" "Sleeping. He needs rest." "What can I do?" "Keep an eye on him. Change his rag every hour, and check his temperature." "What are you gonna do?" "Figure out what he has. There's no way he's just sick. I have a feeling he has food poisoning. Nothing serious though." Food poisoning? Maybe. Or maybe not. Maybe Bruce has something to do with this. "Ok. You go do that. I'll watch Rob." "You're a good friend, Kiddo." He winked. "And he's lucky to have you." He ruffled my hair. "Thanks, Uncle B." He smiled and ran off to his room. I walked up to Rob who was knocked out. He was sweating but shaking, pale, and kept groaning. He looked awful. Poor Rob. "Mhm... Ughn...." He kept on tugging on the blanket. "What happened to you..." I held his hand which was VERY hot. "Geez, Rob. You're burning up." I let go of his hand and went to change the rag on his face. After that, I sat down next to him, grabbed his hand again, and watched some T.V. to pass the time. Before I knew it, 2 hours had passed. (Yes, Wally changed the rag twice in these 2 hours and checked his temperature. His most recent was 10 minutes ago which was 100.7 degrees Fahrenheit) "Huh..." I turned my head.  Rob woke up. "Hey, Rob... How ya feeling?" He groaned. "A bit better. Not cured though." He tried to chuckle but stopped and covered his mouth. "What's wrong?" He didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed the trash can next to him and threw up. I looked away and covered my nose. After a good minute I heard him sigh so I looked back at him. He was even paler and looked worse. "Done?" He nodded. "I don't know what came over me. All of a sudden I just felt..." "Not asterous?" "Yeah..."  "How do you feel, now?" "Honestly? Weaker. I barely held the trash can." He shivered. " I'm also freezing but so hot all at the same time. And the whole world looks like its spinning." He groaned with his head on his hand before plopping back down into the blankets and pillows. "Here, drink some water. Get the taste outta your mouth. I'll check your temperature in a few minutes." I grabbed the cup and held it by his mouth. He took a few sips before sighing. "Wait, where's Barry?" "Figuring out what's wrong with you. We think it's food poisoning." He tilted his head. "Maybe... The symptoms are there. But poisoned by what?" "Don't know. Eat anything different today? Or anything that tasted... I dunno... Funky?" He looked down and played with his hair. He always does that when he thinks. I find it cute. "Well, I bought a protein bar from a vending machine for breakfast..." "Wait. THAT was your breakfast?!" He shrugged. "Not much of a breakfast person. Never really hungry. Plus, he would never let me eat breakfast Alf made. Guess I just got used to it..."  "Hey, it's fine... What else?" He hummed. Now he's really thinking. "I got a little hungry, so I made myself a small sandwich. A grilled cheese." "At the Manor?" "Yeah. Alf went out grocery shopping and he was getting ready. I got everything but forgot my sunglasses. I knew if he didn't see me wearing them, he'd... Well..." "I get it." He sighed. "I came back and made my sandwich. I ate and cleaned everything before he finished. We came to MJ right after." Something was clicking. I'm not sure what, but it's clicking. "What if..." I trailed off, thinking about what to say. "What if, he knew you were making something. Knew you were eating breakfast?" He widened his eyes. "You don't think..." "I do. He maybe put something in the ingredients while you were away. Maybe to "teach you a lesson". Sounds like something he'd do." He looked away. "Yeah..." His eyes were misty. "Hey... You sure you're good?" "Not really." "Need another hug?" I opened my arms. He looked shocked. "Really?" I smiled. "Of course." He smiled too. "Yes please." I hugged him and so did he. "I love you, Dick. I really do..." He squeaked. I honestly love it. "Love you too, Walls." We hugged each other tightly. Then the door opened. "Guys! I think I know what's wrong with Rick!" 

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