Allow me to clear some things up :)

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Ok so I doubt anyone needed smth like this, but rereading my story, I realized that there's a few holes and I am NOT going back to expand it, so this'll just be a little guide (kinda) on some logic on what happened (not in order) and some background info. <3

1. Bruce acts nice(er) to Dick in public, and around Alfred, but when the two are alone in Bruce's room,  Bruce does... yk.

2. Bruce's room is off limits to Alfred. Bruce tells Alfred that his room is his scared space, and he likes things a certain way. Bruce also made it VERY SOUNDPROOF. You could scream from the top of your lungs and it could sound like a floorboard squeaking. Dick also got hurt there.

3. The reason that Bruce couldn't find any video camera footage of Wally and Dick running out of Mt. Justice or through the neighborhood is because Barry himself went in and deleted all possible footage. Bruce didn't know that Barry and Wally are helping Dick, so when Barry tells him that he's been searching for hours and found nothing, he believes him. 

4. Wally was never really allowed in the Manor. He went once or twice when they were young, but other then that, he's never stepped foot. He also never liked Bruce. He always had an off vibe from him. He slowly started to think that he was hurting Dick, but didn't want to jump to conclusions. Wally's real parents died in a car crash when Wally was only 4 years old. He's not affected by it. His father hurt him and his mother didn't even notice him. Wally lives with Barry and Iris.

5. Dick isn't allowed out unless it's for hero work. On patrol, Bruce always puts a mic and camera on Dick along with a tracker in his uniform and mask so he wouldn't run away. Dick was homeschooled by Alfred. He is a very smart student, learning at a college level  being only 15. Dick knows tons of languages and enjoys science and english language arts the most. He also has a hidden talent of singing and drawing but no one knows that. Not even Wally. He used those talents to cope. 

6. Bruce never really liked children. He only adopted Dick because Alfred suggested it. Bruce sees Dick as a "ragdoll" almost. (Nothing like that. Physical and mental abuse. Nothing else.) He takes his anger out on him and expects him to be fine. He thinks of it was payback for him adopting Dick.

7. Dick has PTSD and anxiety. I mean, it would only make sense. He has trauma from his parent falling in front of him. He can't even look at a circus tent or anything circus related without bursting into tears. Wally knew this. He would always help him when it got bad. He would listen to Dick when he got nightmares, (he daydreams about them too) and would comfort him. However, Wally did not know about the anxiety. Dick had that worse. He would zone out. Stress. Fidet with everything. He was very nervous most of the time and never showed it. Dick almost never sleeps. Some night he just can't, others, he doesn't have time. His sleep schedule is a mess. One night he'll get 7 hours of sleep while the next he'll get 2. 

8. Bruce allows Dick to have a phone, but with limitations. He gets it when they get to the mountain, and is taken away when they leave. Bruce checks what's on the phone and its history every night. No games. He can only have numbers of those who Bruce approves off. No pictures or videos. No shows or movies.  Bruce also gives Dick no electronics. He keeps track. Dick keeps the room locked up, but Bruce rarely goes there. But when he does, he's VERY violent. 

9. They never confirmed how Dick got sick. (hehe it rhymed) They just assumed it was something Bruce did to the sandwich. They didn't want to focus on that because it wasn't the task at hand. They knew Dick was ill. They knew why, and they were treating him. That's all that mattered. 

10. Alfred had no suspicions that Dick was being abused. He always knew Bruce was cold, but he was used to that. He just thought that Dick felt intimidated by Bruce. He wasn't wrong, but he didn't know it was because Bruce hurt him. 

If more parts come out, I'll do another thing like this to fully catch you up. Did I clear anything for you? If not, lmk and I'll more then happy to. Stay safe!
-poison <3

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