The Call

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(sorry for not posting. I've been very busy and I have a creative writer's block)

Author's POV:

It's 6 o'clock in the morning where Dick and Liz are. Dick is ecstatic because Liz agreed to take Dick back home. Sure he was excited to see go back to where he grew up - not the Manor though - but he was even more excited to see Wally. He missed him the most. He just wants to run into his arms and give him the biggest hug ever. "Ok, do you know anyone's number?" Dick stroked his chin. He knew most of Wally's number, but the last few digits always confused him. Was it 2978 or 2879? "So...?" "Kinda. I'm trying to remember the last few digits. I forgot the order." Dick smacked himself on the forehead. "Hey, don't beat yourself up! You can figure it out." Dick chuckled. "Thanks." He thought for 5 minutes until something came to mind. A little tune Wally told Dick when they were younger so he'd remember his number! "I went to the store and ate 79 cookies!" Dick gasped. "You what?" "No! That's the last numbers! Wally taught me that little song so I could remember his number! 2879!" He clapped. Liz was just staring at him, with confusion. "Whatever. You got it. Here," She gave him her phone. "dial it in. Hopefully they'll pick up." Dick nodded and put the numbers in while humming the tune to the forgotten song. "Please pick up..."

Wally's POV:

*RING* "Huh?" My phone was ringing. "Who's that?" "I dunno." I grabbed it but it wasn't anyone I knew. I was about to hang up until I saw the location. Greece. I gasped. "What is it?" "M-my phone. Someone's calling me from G-Greece!" Barry's eyes widened. "Hurry up and answer!" I nodded and pressed accept. "Hello?" "Wally?" My eye's widened. There's no way. Was that... Dick? "Wally? You there?" Tears started to form but I pushed them back in. "Uh... Y-yea! Dick? Is that really you?!" I sounded desperate. "Yea, it is!" "So?" Barry looked at me. "It's Dick!" He straightened and grabbed my phone to put on speaker. "Rick, can you hear me?" "Yea, Barry. Loud and clear." "Are you in danger?" "No." Wait what? "You're not hurt, Dick?" "Nope." "How?!" "Got lucky. I guess- shoot." "What is it?" "Battery's almost out. Hurry and track my location. I think I'm safe but I'm getting pretty homesick." We chuckled. "Doing it now." "How are you not hurt?!" I felt very suspicious. "No no no no no no. I got some scrapes and stuff, but that's treated. I was kidnapped by Him and he tortured me for... Honestly. I don't even know. He sold me - I think - and next thing I know I'm being auctioned and someone bought me." Barry and I froze. "You were b-bought?" "Yea. Not the best feeling." "How'd you escape?" "Who said I escaped? They're right here." Huh? "Hi! You must be Wally and Barry!" "What's going on, Rick?" "That was the person who bought me. My long lost sister that I didn't even know was lost or my sister." "WHAT THE-" "I know, my reaction the same, but she explained herself and my gut told me to trust her. Besides, if she was gonna hurt me, wouldn't she have done so by now? And why let me contact someone I know?" I sighed and ruffled my hair it made sense. "Rick does she know about the flower shop?" That's code. We use a code to ask people if they know about the Justice Legue and their and our identities. It's weird, but it works. "No." "Ok." "Flower shop? (Dick) "It's something we started for fun." (Liz) "Oh, ok." "Hang on a little longer, Rick. Almost done." Dick gasped. "I'm on 2 percent, B." "Just a little longer..." I bit my nail. "Done! Got you're location. Try to stay near there. We'll send authorities." Guess that's us. "Ok. Thanks. See you soon Wall-" The call ended. "We got where he is. Let's go get him." "Way ahead of you!"


"DAMN IT!" "What?" "It died!" "Before they got your location?" "Luckily, no. We have to stay here. They called authorities to get us." "Ok. Better get comfy, Dicky. That's probably gonna be a while." "I doubt it." "What was that?" "Nothing!"

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