Car Sick. Kinda.

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Rob's POV:

"Ok, I'm ready Walls." I looked at him and he snickered. "What?" I asked while crossing my arms. "Nothing. Just *chuckles* my clothes look so big on you~" I blushed. He wasn't wrong. I was wearing his smallest shirt and it was touching my knees. "Shut up!" I looked down. "Ok, so we gotta go to Uncle B's and we gotta make sure Bruce doesn't see you..." He trailed off. "I can carry you and zoom outta here." "Maybe. But the zeta beams announce everything, so Bruce..." I paused. I hated saying his name. "Hey, try to calm down, Dick. Like I said, he won't hurt you anymore. I'll make sure of it." I smiled. "Thank you, Wally. For everything." "No problem, Rob." He then hugged me. Third hug in the past 20 minutes, but I loved it. I clung to him and felt some tears prickle in my eyes. I haven't felt this loved in years.

Wally's POV:

"Try and see where he is on your computer." "On it." Rob shakily started looking at the cameras. He must've thought that he would find him, and make him pay. "He's in the gym." "Perfect." I grinned and squatted a bit. "Hurry, get on my back. I can carry you outta here faster than you can blink." Rob froze. "Uhm... I d-don't..." His voice was cracked again. "Do you wanna escape him, Dick?" Two blinks. "To do that, you have to trust me. Please." I sounded desperate. "O... Ok." He walked over and hopped on my back. "Hold on, tight. If I go to fast, let me know, ok?" He nodded. "Ok then. Let's go." I ran out of Rob's room and to the beams. They announced our names and we were outside. 


"You good, Rob?" He nodded. "You're lying. I know it." "Just feel a bit sick. It's nothing. It's probably car sickness." "But you're not in a car..." I sighed and went to an alley to put Rob down. As soon as I did, he threw up. "Ugh..." I looked away, I didn't wanna see it. He then walked up, but he was wobbly, pale, and looked dead. "W-Wally... I'm cold..." "What?" It was almost 60 degrees (F) and I knew Rob loved this weather. "C'mere." I touched his forehead, and man was it hot. "You have fever." "Hm?" "You're sick. You have a fever, you're throwing up, you're cold. You're sick." "Great..." "You can't go on my back again. But it's only like 5 minutes away." I sighed again. "Y'know what?" I picked up Rob bridal style. He squeaked again. Cute. "W-Wally!" "We gotta get you there a different way. This was the only logical solution." He huffed. Then coughed. Then shivered. "Woah, Rob. How you holding up?" "Not good. I feel worse." He coughed again. Crap. He's getting worse by the second. Finally, after 6 minutes, we arrived at Uncle B's front door. I knocked and he opened. "Hey, Kid-" He gasped. "What's wrong with Rick?!" "What?" I looked down and Rob was sleeping in my arms. But we was very pale. "He's asleep but he got sick. I wanna say it was outta no where, but I'm not sure." "Ok, just bring him in and lay him on the couch. I'll check him out and you go change." "I will." I placed Rob down and walked away to my room. "Please be ok..."

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