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M'ggan's POV:

"Anything on Robin?" I asked Kaldur. He sighed and pinched his nose. "Unfortunately, nothing has surfaced." I'm very worried. Poor Robin has been gone for almost 3 weeks! He's only 15 years old. I really hope nothing bad happened to him. "We gotta hurry up and find him." Artemis leaned against the wall. "I understand, but it'll take some time." Aretims huffed. "Yeah. Like 3 weeks isn't a lot." Kaldur just continued typing. "Hey guys!" It was Flash. "Flash? What are you doing here?" "Just checking up on you guys." He looked up at the screen. "Whatcha doing?" I turned to him. "We're trying to locate Robin. You know that he's been missing for a while, right?" I figured that Flash and Kid Flash would be the first ones to know about Robin. He looked down. "Uh, y-yeah... We're lookin' for him too." I smiled. "Great! The more hands on board the better!" Flash sighed. "No trackers, no video camera footage, not even some sort of DNA letting us know where he went. If someone DID take him, they know what they're doing." Kaldur cursed under his breath. I frowned. I really hope that Robin wasn't taken and is fine.

Rob's POV:

"STOP IT! DON'T COME NEAR ME!" I was in a different room tied to a different chair. I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near any Wayne building, the Manor, MJ, or even Wally's house. All I know is that some man came up and is currently trying inject something into me. "STAY STILL YOU LITTLE TWIT!" I kept on squirming. I wasn't just gonna let him drug me. "LET GO!" "STOP MOVING YOU-" I felt a pinch in my neck. He did it. The drug was now in me. Hopefully it's nothing too bad... "Ha! Finally! Now that'll kick in in a minute or two. Then we'll have our fun." Fun? What fun? I started blacking out. Oh c'mon. How many times are they gonna knock me out? This is like the third time. I think. I hope. 

Author's POV:

Robin was taken to a room. A room with lots of people. He was put into clean white clothes and in small cage but wasn't tied to anything. Yet again, what would you even do locked in a cage? When Rob woke up, he saw people staring at him. They looked rich. But why were they all staring at him? "Good evening folks! We are so glad that you are here today to take a look at our newest shipment!" Shipment? Robin was confused. They didn't mean that he was the shipment. Right? "Starting with this lovely boy. Age 15. Starting price is $15,000!" They were bidding him. But for what? And why so much? He wasn't worth someone's valuable money. He tried to show no emotion, but inside, was terrified. He really hoped that nothing bad would happen to him once he was bought. "16,000!" I person raised their hand. "16,000! Do I hear 17,000?" No one answered. "16,000! Going once, going twice-" "$50,000!" Rob's eyes widened. He looked to see someone in a cloak with their hand raised. Why were they so willing to pay so much? The bidders eyes widened. "Sold! To the lovely buyer in the cloak!" The hidden figure handed to bidder a briefcase. "It's all in here. Count it if you like." He smirked. "Why thank you for the generous donation. And here's your prize." He gestured to Robin. "Perfect. Thank you, Mr. Rose." "No problem." "Pack him up, boys!" Men then came and took Rob out to tie him to a chair by his hands and feet. They left him and the cloaked person in a room alone. "Who are you?" Robin asked with a stern voice, trying to mask the fear. The person lifted the hood, revealing a woman with long black hair and blue eyes just like Rob's. "You're name is Richard Grayson, correct? You also go by Dick?" Rob gasped. "How do you know that?" The woman chuckled. "Because I'm your sister, Elizabeth Grayson." Robin's knees buckled. "W-what?"

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