One or Two Blinks. (VERY SHORT)

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Rob's POV:

Talk?! Talk about what? He couldn't have... No. NO. There's NO way that he found out. Not through me! Oh no. Bruce is going to be furious. He's going to kill me. He'll- "Dick!" "Huh?" "Did you hear me?" I shook my head. I must've zoned out. "I asked you if you're ok." I nodded. "Dick. I know you're lying. C'mon, tell me... Does he hurt you?" My eyes widened. I can't say anything. He'll know. I'll get beat. I can't take anymore. I didn't move. "Rob..." He paused. "Are you scared? Scared that he'll find out? Scared that he'll hurt you more." Nothing. "Ok. I get it. Just... Um... Oh! Blink once for no and twice for yes." He whispered in my ear. I blinked twice. "I'll take that as an ok." He sighed. "Does he hurt you?" Two blinks. "Are you safe at the Manor - with B?" One blink. "Does Alf know?" One blink. "Has this been going on for longer than a few months?" Two blinks. "Has it been years?" Two blinks. He took a deep breath. "Let me see. Let me see the scars. I want to know just how bad he gets. Please, Dick. Let me help you..." I stood silent. Two blinks.

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