Feeling the Astor

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Wally's POV:

"Well what is it?" I felt my hand grip Rob's tighter. "He WAS poisoned! Food poisoning!" He held out a piece of paper. "Say's here that he digested some type of mold. It's not life-threatening but it sure makes the victim feel like crap." He coughed. "Don't worry, Rick. We'll take good care of you." I smiled. It was nice knowing that Uncle B would take care of Rob. "I'm gonna get some things for Rick, I'll be back in probably an hour. You kiddos think you'll be fine?" I nodded. "Don't worry, we won't burn anything!" Rob chuckled. "And we won't flood the house, either!" We laughed. "Ok, I'll take your word. Be good!" "See ya!" We waved good-bye. "So..." I paused. It was uncomfortably silent. "Whatcha wanna do?" More silence. "Sleep." "Oh c'mon! You've been out for hours! I've been all by my beautiful self!" Rob snickered. "Beautiful? That's one heck of an adjective!" Great. He's using school jokes. I sighed. "But it's the right one!" I stuck out my tongue. Gosh, we're acting like little kids. I love it. "Sure it is, Wall-" He stopped. "What is it?" "I-" He didn't say anything. Instead, he grabbed the trash can and vomited - again. I pulled his hair outta his face and rubbed circles on his back. "I hate this..." "Shh... I know. But you gotta let it out..." "I know... Ugh..." He threw up about 3 times before setting the can back down. "Here, let me throw it away." "No, I'll do it. It's my ... Well it's mine. We don't need more." "Nope. You're sick. Besides, this isn't Uncle B's first rodeo. He got special trash bags. They're thick and keep the smells out." He sighed once more. "Fine... But if you vomit, don't blame me." I laughed. "Promise." I then went to throw out the trash.


(3 hours later)

Rob's POV:

"So that's what we think what happened - why I'm sick." Barry stroked his chin. "That might be it. But right now, we know what you have. We don't need to know how you got it. You have it, and you're being treated. That's what matters." He took a sip from his soda. Wally was taking a shower. I miss him. "Hey, Rick?" I turned around. "Yes?" "Bruce... hurts- hurt you. Right?" He seemed cautious while asking. "Yes..." I looked down. "Mind showing me what exactly he's done?  I wanna see what evidence we have so we can put him behind bars. No abuser should have freedom to walk on the same land as the ones they've hurt." I looked away. And then slowly nodded. I pulled my shirt down revealing my neck. (Rob is wearing a turtle neck. Wally knew that he didn't like showing his neck. And his sunglasses. He doesn't like showing people - even Barry his eyes. Bruce would always insult his eyes.) Barry gently touched it. "Oh, Rick..." I then showed him my eyes. He gasped. "I haven't seen you're eyes in years but I remember them being so blue and happy, but now..." He trailed off. "They're so sad..." I felt tears forming but pushed them back in. "Rick, you gotta know that I'll take care of you, ok? I'm not Bruce. You're loved here, no matter what. I've always loved you like a son. I promise you that you won't be hurt, ever again." They fell. I let my tears fall down my face. No adult - besides my parents - made me feel so safe and loved. "Th-thank you... So much." "It's no problem, Kiddo." He hugged me and I did too. I smiled when I felt even more of his care. Wally then walked in. "Hey! You're having a group hug, without me?" We chuckled and Wally walked over. "Hey, Rob. You good? Were you crying?" He looked concerned. "Not anymore." I looked at Barry. "Just feeling the astor." 

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