A Little Crush (SHORT)

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im still on a creative writer's block so bare with me :D

Author's POV:

About 5 minutes had passed since Dick called Wally and Barry. He couldn't wait. Liz noticed this and was bored. Why not make some small talk? "What's got you so antsy?" Dick laughed. "What? Like I shouldn't be excited to go back home after who knows how long?" Liz smacked his head. "You know what I mean! What's got you so excited to go back? It can't just be that you're homesick!" Dick sighed. "Just... I just miss home." He looked at the sky. The sun was setting. He loved sunsets. When the yellows, pinks, reds, and oranges became one. "Or do you miss someone?" Liz said it as a question but to Dick, it felt more like a statement. "What? What made you get that idea?" Dick hoped she wouldn't go further. "Oh c'mon, Dickie! I'm not that dumb! If you were homesick, you'd probably be talking about every little thing at your home. But-" She stopped. "But... What?" Even though he didn't want to continue the conversation, he just had to ask. "You always talked about Wally nonstop. More than your home, that's for sure..." She paused. "Dick, do you like him? Like as someone more than a friend?" Dick blushed. "N-no! Why would you think that?" "Dick, it's fine. Besides it wasn't that hard to notice. Every time you said his name you'd smile and your eyes sparkled. Not to mention that when you heard his voice you practically jumped for joy but when you heard... What's his name again? Berry?" "Barry." "Barry. Thanks. You just... I dunno, played it off as normal. And when the phone died you almost cried. The signs are there." Dick sighed. "M-maybe I do like him. Maybe a lot. But I doubt he even likes me like that." He left out the parts where they had little lovey-dovey moments, but he thought that Wally did it as a gesture of comfort. Nothing more. "Dick. Don't hide your feelings, trust me. Tell him how you feel. And when I was on call with you and he spoke to you, I just heard relief, care, and love. He spoke softly and calmly to you - once he settled. He was nice to me, but when he was just talking to you, he had so much love in his voice." Dick said nothing. "Love who you love Dick. I don't care. As long as they treat you right and respect your boundaries, and the way you described Wally, he seems like the perfect guy for you." He smiled. "Thanks for the support." "No problem." They hugged until they got interrupted by the sound of someone else's voice. "Aw! A group hug!" They turned to the voice. Dick spoke first. "Flash!"

(Sorry i keep doing this to you guys :<)

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