Cuddles (SHORT)

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Author's POV:

It has been a week since Rob and Liz were brought to Gotham. And a week since Wally and Dick became a couple, and they have been loving it. At least, in private. There were a few things Dick didn't tell anyone - including Liz - about. Mainly his new relationship, and minus Wally, Barry, Alfred, and Dinah, the abuse. Liz didn't know. Dick didn't want her to know. She shouldn't have to worry so much for him. She shouldn't have to worry at all. "You gotta tell her, eventually, babe." Wally and Dick were in Wally's room, alone, cuddling on his bed. The door was locked but they told Barry they were gonna play video games and watch shows. "I can't, Walls. I don't wanna cause her worry. Especially over me." Dick snuggled closer to Wally's chest. Wally sighed. "She worries for you now. She's the only biological family you got left. She wants you to be happy and safe. You gotta be honest with her." Dick was silent. "I'm alright with you not telling anyone about us, just promise me that you'll try to tell her about him. Even if it's a text or something short. She deserves to know." Wally hugged Dick. Dick nodded. "Fine. For you, I will." He play pouted. "Thanks, Birdie." Wally kissed his cheek. Dick smiled. The two then looked back at the movie they were watching. Legally Blonde. Over the few weeks before the incident, Wally showed Dick all sorts of movies. One being Legally Blonde. Dick became absolutely obsessed with it. Watching it at least once a day. He could practically say each line of dialogue from memory. It surprised Wally. What Dick's favorite movie turned out to be. But he was happy, so he didn't question it. "I'm taking the dog... Dumbass." Dick said along with the movie. It was his favorite line. Wally chuckled. "You really do love this movie, huh?" Dick giggled. "Yeah. I do." He then turned to Wally. "But not as much as I love you." He kissed the tip of Wally's nose before snuggling closer to him. He loved physical affection. Wally laughed. "You sap." "You're one to talk." "Still love you though." "Love you, more." "We'll see about that~" "WALLY!"

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