Love (SHORT)

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Author's POV:

"Flash?!" Dick stood up. "Yep. Hey Rick." Liz got up too. "You must be..." "Liz." "Right. Well, I'm here to take Mr. Grayson home. You coming with him?" Liz chuckled. "I'd love to, but looks like you only have room for one." Flash raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, I have-" He stopped. "KID! HURRY UP! YOU CAN WATCH THE DUCKS CROSS THE ROAD LATER!" Dick laughed quietly. Flash just pinched the bridge of his nose. "Kid? Who's that... OH!" Liz looked to Dick. "Kid Flash." He responded. "The one and only~" Kid Flash appeared right next to Flash. "Hey Dick!" He waved. Dick waved back. "Ok, Miss Liz. Mind if I carry you to bring you home?" Liz smiled. "Not at all. Just be careful." Flash chuckled. "Don't worry. That's what heroes do." She sighed. "Wait, what about Dick?" "It's ok. The Kid's got him. He'll be fine." Liz sighed again. "Ok." Flash picked her up and began speeding off, leaving the two teens alone. "They're gone..." said KF. "Hm?" Just then, KF ran to Dick and hugged him. Tight. The two began to shed some tears. They haven't seen each other in forever. "DICK! I'D THOUGHT I'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" Dick sniffed. "I thought I'd never see YOU again!" Wally then picked Dick up and spun him around. Dick blushed. Wally didn't notice what he did until after he place Dick back on the ground. "OH! I-I'm so sorry, Dickie. I didn't mean to-" "It's fine. Really. I kinda liked it." Dick whispered the last four words. Fortunately for him, Wally heard. "You did?" Wally and Dick both blushed. "U-uhm..." Two slow blinks came from Dick. Wally smiled and pulled Dick close by his waist. "Dickie. There's something I gotta tell you." "Same." The two took a deep breath. "I LIKE YOU!" They both yelled. They looked at each other in amazement. Both of Wally's hands were hugging Dick's waist and Dick's hands were on Wally's chest. They didn't move. Instead they looked at each other with love. "Y-you do?" Dick asked. Wally smiled. "Of course, I do. You're amazing! Talented. Cute. Strong. Beautiful. Not to mention that you kick butt!" Dick began to cry, but not out of sadness, but out of joy. "Woah, Dickie. You ok?" Wally gently grabbed Dick's chin and wiped some tears. "Yea... I just... Never thought you like me like that EVER." Dick smiled. "Not like, Dick. Love. I really love you Birdie. Every inch." Dick hugged Wally tighter. "I love you, too Walls." They then finished their moment and Wally picked Dick up and ran back home. 

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